What does the quantum operation SWAP do?

What does the quantum operation SWAP do?A . Exchanges the phase of qubitsB . Exchanges the amplitudes of qubitsC . Exchanges the states of two qubitsD . Implements quantum error correctionView AnswerAnswer: C

August 21, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which one of the below statements is invalid when drawing the quantum circuit?

Which one of the below statements is invalid when drawing the quantum circuit?A . qc.draw(output='mpl')B . qc.draw(output='text')C . qc.draw(output='latex')D . qc.draw(output='png')View AnswerAnswer: D

August 20, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What characteristic of quantum information poses a challenge to traditional cryptography systems?

What characteristic of quantum information poses a challenge to traditional cryptography systems?A . High error rates in quantum systemsB . Quantum tunneling effectC . Quantum superpositionD . Quantum entanglementView AnswerAnswer: D

August 20, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

If we have n qubits, how many states can we represent maximum?

If we have n qubits, how many states can we represent maximum?A . 2nB . n^2C . 2^nD . 2^n - 1View AnswerAnswer: C

August 19, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What advantage does the Aer provider's simulators offer for researchers and developers?

What advantage does the Aer provider's simulators offer for researchers and developers?A . High-level abstraction from the quantum algorithmsB . Direct access to quantum cloud servicesC . Cost-effective and faster testing of quantum algorithmsD . Execution of algorithms with quantum error correction codesView AnswerAnswer: C

August 19, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which gate is typically used to reset a qubit's state to |0> in a quantum circuit?

Which gate is typically used to reset a qubit's state to |0> in a quantum circuit?A . T gateB . Reset gateC . Pauli-Z gateD . Hadamard gateView AnswerAnswer: C

August 19, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is barrier instruction between the H-gates in the below quantum circuit do?

What is barrier instruction between the H-gates in the below quantum circuit do? A . It joins both H-gates and executes them.B . It won't simplify the circuit between the two H-gatesC . It is used for better circuit visualizationD . It is used for circuit optimizationView AnswerAnswer: B

August 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What will be the output of the result variable in the below snippet?

What will be the output of the result variable in the below snippet? q = QuantumRegister(1,'q') qc = QuantumCircuit(q) qc.y(0) backend_unitary = BasicAer.get_backend('unitary_simulator') result = execute(qc,backend_unitary).result().get_unitary(decimals=3)A . B . C . D . View AnswerAnswer: A

August 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

In the circuit given below having statevector simulator as the backend, choose the _missing_element_from the options?

In the circuit given below having statevector simulator as the backend, choose the _missing_element_from the options? qc = QuantumCircuit(1) qc.x(0) qc.z(0) backend_state = BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator') result = execute(qc,backend_state).result()._missing_element_A . get_statevector()B . get_statevector_state()C . get_statevector_result()D . get_state_simulator()View AnswerAnswer: A

August 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which Qiskit function is used to visualize the statevector of a quantum circuit?

Which Qiskit function is used to visualize the statevector of a quantum circuit?A . plot_statevector()B . display_quantum_statevector()C . visualize_state()D . draw_statevector()View AnswerAnswer: A

August 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +