What does the Bloch sphere represent in quantum computing?

What does the Bloch sphere represent in quantum computing?A . A visual representation of a qubit's stateB . A quantum error correction techniqueC . A type of quantum algorithmD . A quantum encryption methodView AnswerAnswer: A

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the resultant gate when we apply three Hadamard gates (in series) in the single-qubit circuit?

What is the resultant gate when we apply three Hadamard gates (in series) in the single-qubit circuit?A . I-gateB . H-gateC . X-gateD . Y-gateView AnswerAnswer: B

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Predict the output of counts in the below-given snippet:

Predict the output of counts in the below-given snippet: q = QuantumRegister(2,'q') c = ClassicalRegister(2,'c') qc = QuantumCircuit(q,c) qc.h(0) qc.h(1) qc.measure([0,1],[0,1]) backend = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') job = execute(qc, backend, shots=100) counts = job.result().get_counts()A . B . C . D . E . View AnswerAnswer: C

September 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

In quantum computing, what does the term "quantum supremacy" refer to?

In quantum computing, what does the term "quantum supremacy" refer to?A . Achieving ultimate quantum error correctionB . Superior speed of quantum computers over classical onesC . Ability to create quantum entanglementD . Advanced quantum cryptography techniquesView AnswerAnswer: B

September 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which one of the below is the noisy quantum circuit simulator backend?

Which one of the below is the noisy quantum circuit simulator backend?A . qasm_simulatorB . statevector_simulatorC . qasm_simulatorD . Aer_simulatorView AnswerAnswer: A

September 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How does the storage of information differ between classical and quantum systems?

How does the storage of information differ between classical and quantum systems?A . Classical systems can store infinite amounts of informationB . Quantum systems have limited storage capacityC . Both systems have similar storage capacitiesD . Quantum systems can store more information due to qubit propertiesView AnswerAnswer: D

September 12, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What would be the fidelity result(s) for these two operators, which differ only by global phase?

What would be the fidelity result(s) for these two operators, which differ only by global phase? op_a = Operator(XGate()) op_b = numpy.exp(1j * 0.5) * Operator(XGate())A . state_fidelity() of 1.0B . state_fidelity() and average_gate_fidelity() of 1.0C . average_gate_fidelity() and process_fidelity() of 1.0D . state_fidelity(), average_gate_fidelity() and process_fidelity() of 1.0View AnswerAnswer:...

September 11, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the output of the result in the below snippet?

What is the output of the result in the below snippet? ghz = QuantumCircuit(3) ghz.x(0) ghz.h(0) ghz.cx([0,0],[1,2]) ghz.measure_all() backend_qasm = BasicAer.get_backend('qasm_simulator') job = execute(ghz, backend_qasm,shots=1024) result = job.result().get_counts()A . {'111': 300, '000': 724}B . {'100': 514, '010': 510}C . {'100': 253, '010': 261, '111': 253, '000': 261}D . {'000': 512,...

September 11, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

In a quantum circuit, what does applying a controlled-U gate mean?

In a quantum circuit, what does applying a controlled-U gate mean?A . Applying an unknown quantum operationB . Applying a controlled phase shift operationC . Performing an unconditional operation on a qubitD . Implementing a controlled NOT operationView AnswerAnswer: B

September 11, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Given the state vector represented by this Bloch sphere of single bit quantum circuitqc, please choose the operations.

Given the state vector represented by this Bloch sphere of single bit quantum circuitqc, please choose the operations. Which would lead to this state by assuming the quantum circuit is initialized to |0> (select any 3) A . qc.h(0)B . qc.h(0) qc.x(0)C . qc.ry(math.pi / 2, 0) qc.x(0)D . qc.rx(math.pi,...

September 10, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +