What are Cloud Native Applications designed to be?
What are Cloud Native Applications designed to be?A . J2SE CompliantB . Security AgnosticC . SOA CompliantD . Platform AgnosticView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://www.ibm.com/cloud/learn/cloud-native#:~:text=Cloud%20native%20applications%2C%20however%2C%20are,agnostic%2 C%20and%20comprised%20of%20microservices.
Which deployment scenario describes a technique that slowly deploys a software change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure?
Which deployment scenario describes a technique that slowly deploys a software change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure?A . A/B TestingB . ChaosC . CanaryD . Blue-GreenView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CanaryRelease.html#:~:text=Canary%20release%20is%20a %20technique,making%20it%20available%20to%20everybody.
What is one type of ContinuousDelivery pipeline available on IBM Cloud?
What is one type of ContinuousDelivery pipeline available on IBM Cloud?A . TektonB . GitC . DeliveryD . ContainersView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/ContinuousDelivery?topic=ContinuousDelivery-deliverypipeline_about
Which statement describes the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management?
Which statement describes the IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management?A . It helps to unify and simplify the collection, organization and analysis of information. Enterprises can turn data into insights through an integrated cloud-native architecture. It is extensible, easily customized to unique client information and Al landscapes through an integrated...
Which IBM Cloud service enables routing, tracking, and queue messaging leveraging multiple protocols?
Which IBM Cloud service enables routing, tracking, and queue messaging leveraging multiple protocols?A . Cloud Messages for TCPIPB . Messages for RabbitMQC . Multiprotocol Message HubD . Messaging as a ServiceView AnswerAnswer: B
Which statement about hybrid multicloud is true?
Which statement about hybrid multicloud is true?A . It is an open standards-based stack that can be deployed on single public cloud infrastructureB . It is an extension of a single public cloud provider's software and hardware stack to the customer's on-premises environment so that the exact same stack runs...
What are two practices for the IBM Garage Method for Cloud?
What are two practices for the IBM Garage Method for Cloud?A . ThinkB . InnovateC . ManageD . AdviseE . DiscoverView AnswerAnswer: A,B
Which IBM Cloud Virtual Servers offering is multi-tenant with pre-defined sizes?
Which IBM Cloud Virtual Servers offering is multi-tenant with pre-defined sizes?A . TransferB . DedicatedC . ReservedD . PublicView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://cloud.ibm.com/docs/virtual-servers?topic=virtual-servers-about-public-virtual-servers
What is a key Cloud Native application development principle?
What is a key Cloud Native application development principle?A . SegmentationB . ContainerizationC . Service VirtualizationD . VirtualizationView AnswerAnswer: B
IBM Cloud Paks are optimized for produce and performance on which platform?
IBM Cloud Paks are optimized for produce and performance on which platform?A . Red Hat OpenShiftB . Amazon Web ServicesC . AzureD . Google App EngineView AnswerAnswer: A