To provide insight into why QRadar considers the event to be threatening, what does QRadar add to the Offense that users cannot edit or delete?

To provide insight into why QRadar considers the event to be threatening, what does QRadar add to the Offense that users cannot edit or delete?A . AnnotationsB . Attack pathC . LocationD . Source IPView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Annotations provide insight into why QRadar considers the event or observed...

November 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

When ordering these tests in an event rule, which of them is the best test to place at the top of the list for rule performance?

When ordering these tests in an event rule, which of them is the best test to place at the top of the list for rule performance?A . When the source is [local or remote]B . When the destination is [local or remote]C . When the event(s) were detected by one...

November 3, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which consideration should be given to the position of rule tests that evaluate regular expressions (Regex tests)?

Which consideration should be given to the position of rule tests that evaluate regular expressions (Regex tests)?A . They can only be used in Building Blocks to ensure they are evaluated as infrequently as possible.B . They are usually the most specific. As such, they should appear first in the...

November 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What does the DSSE Rule do?

QRadar collects information from numerous log sources and other agents. Sometimes these agents stop reporting to QRadar for a variety of reasons. There is a default rule in QRadar to help identify these cases called the Device Stopped Sending Events (DSSE) Rule. What does the DSSE Rule do?A . It...

November 2, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

How many normalized timestamp field(s) does an event contain?

How many normalized timestamp field(s) does an event contain?A . 2B . 3C . 4D . 1View AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: There are 3 timestamp fields on events in Qradar. Reference:

November 1, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

An analyst is searching for a list of events that meet specific search criteria and wants to display only the source IP and destination IP information for the events.

An analyst is searching for a list of events that meet specific search criteria and wants to display only the source IP and destination IP information for the events. To get the required information, the analyst can open the Log Activity tab and then:A . select the field names, select...

October 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which QRadar component stores Event data?

Which QRadar component stores Event data?A . App HostB . Event CollectorC . Event ProcessorD . Flow CollectorView AnswerAnswer: A

October 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What could be the reason that these offenses are not being removed?

An analyst is working on Offense management and finds that a few of the offenses are not being removed from the Offense tab even after the Offense retention period has elapsed. What could be the reason that these offenses are not being removed?A . Offense has been annotatedB . Offense...

October 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

Which QRadar timestamp specifies when the event was received from the log source?

Which QRadar timestamp specifies when the event was received from the log source?A . Collect timeB . Start timeC . Storage timeD . Log Source timeView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation:

October 31, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +

What information is included in flow details but is not in event details?

What information is included in flow details but is not in event details?A . Network summary informationB . Magnitude informationC . Number of bytes and packets transferredD . Log source informationView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Flows represent network activity by normalizing IP addresses, ports, byte and packet counts, and other data,...

October 29, 2021 No Comments READ MORE +