When is virtualization of a dedicated Interactive Client System most appropriate? (Select 2)
When is virtualization of a dedicated Interactive Client System most appropriate? (Select 2)A . Interactive Clients should never be virtualized B. For Process Development - it helps to ensure the Interactive Client has the same configuration as the virtualized Runtime Resources C. Where the developers are geographically separate to the...
What restrictions should be considered if using XenDesktop for delivery of the Runtime Resources?
What restrictions should be considered if using XenDesktop for delivery of the Runtime Resources? (Select 2)A . Login Agent must be used to initiate the login to the device vs the Citrix Client. B. Only version 5 of Blue Prism is supported with XenDesktop. C. Login Agent is only supported...
What are the primary reasons for regularly backing up Blue Prism production databases (Select 2)
What are the primary reasons for regularly backing up Blue Prism production databases (Select 2)A . To assure performance B. To maintain the latest copy of live process automations and configuration C. To maintain an accurate record of the processing history D. To maintain a copy of the base VM...
availability of Business Processes managed by Blue Prism?
What should be considered when configuring high availability and disaster recovery scenarios for availability of Business Processes managed by Blue Prism? (Select 2)A . Resource pools and Active Queues can be used to distribute work to Runtime Resources which are online B. The Runtime Resources are “stateful” devices, therefore any...
What security is applied to data that is encrypted by Credential Manager when stored? (Select 1)
What security is applied to data that is encrypted by Credential Manager when stored? (Select 1)A . The credentials are managed by the Windows Credential store and the security applied is proprietary to Microsoft B. The credentials are encrypted by the Application Server for storage in the database using either...