The insertReport endpoint can be thought of like the UNIX command tail
The insertReport endpoint can be thought of like the UNIX command tailA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: An event occurs when data from a file submitted via insertFiles has been committed to the table and is available to queries. The insertReport endpoint can be thought of like the...
What conditions should be true for a table to consider search optimization
What conditions should be true for a table to consider search optimizationA . The table size is at least 100 GB B. The table is not clustered OR The table is frequently queried on columns other than the primary cluster key C. The table can be of any sizeView AnswerAnswer:...
What may be the cause of this?
One of your query is taking a long time to finish, when you open the query profiler you see that lot of data is spilling to the remote disk(Bytes spilled to remote storage). What may be the cause of this?A . The amount of memory available for the servers used...
While loading data into a table from stage, which are the valid copyOptions
While loading data into a table from stage, which are the valid copyOptionsA . CONTINUE B. SKIP_FILE C. SKIP_FILE_<NUM> D. SKIP_FILE_<NUM>% E. ABORT_STATEMENT F. ERROR_STATEMENTView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C,D,E Explanation:
What is this object called?
For this object, Snowflake executes code outside Snowflake; the executed code is known as remote service. What is this object called? A. External procedure B. External function C. External Script D. External jobView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: An external function calls code that executes outside Snowflake; the executed code is known...
Validation mode can take the below options
Validation mode can take the below optionsA . RETURN_<n>_ROWS B. RETURN_ERRORS C. RETURN_ALL_ERRORS D. RETURN_SEVERE_EERORS_ONLYView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C Explanation: VALIDATION_MODE = RETURN_n_ROWS | RETURN_ERRORS | RETURN_ALL_ERRORS String (constant) that instructs the COPY command to validate the data files instead of loading them into the specified table; i.e. the COPY command tests...
Which semi structured data function interprets an input string as a JSON document, producing a VARIANT value.
Which semi structured data function interprets an input string as a JSON document, producing a VARIANT value.A . PARSE_JSON B. PARSE_XML C. STRIP_JSONView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Try a hands-on exercise to understand this create or replace table vartab (n number(2), v variant); insert into vartab select column1 as n, parse_json(column2)...
Remote service in external function can be an AWS Lambda function
Remote service in external function can be an AWS Lambda functionA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: remote service A remote service is stored and executed outside Snowflake, and returns a value. For example, remote services can be implemented as: An AWS Lambda function. An HTTPS server (e.g. Node.js)...
Bytes spilled to remote storage in query profile indicates volume of data spilled to remote disk
Bytes spilled to remote storage in query profile indicates volume of data spilled to remote diskA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: This question may come in various format in the exam, so let us not mug it up. Let us understand what it means. When you run large...
{"stuId":2000,"stuCourse":"Snowflake"} How will you write a query that will check if stuId in JSON in #1 is also there in JSON in#2A . with stu_demography as (select parse_json(column1) as src, src:stuId as ID from values('{"stuId":2000, "stuName":"Amy"}')), B. stu_course as (select parse_json(column1) as src, src:stuId as ID from values('{"stuId":2000,"stuCourse":"Snowflake"}')) select case...