Which of the below approach results in perfromance improvement through linear scaling of data ingestion workload?
Which of the below approach results in perfromance improvement through linear scaling of data ingestion workload?A . Split large files into recommended range of 10 MB to 100 MB B. Organize data by granular path C. Resize virtual warehouse D. All of the aboveView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: When loading your...
What may be the cause of this?
One of your query is taking a long time to finish, when you open the query profiler you see that lot of data is spilling to the remote disk(Bytes spilled to remote storage). What may be the cause of this?A . The amount of memory available for the servers used...
Data loading transformation as part of copying data to a table from stage supports selecting data from user stage and named stages(internal and external) only
Data loading transformation as part of copying data to a table from stage supports selecting data from user stage and named stages(internal and external) onlyA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: The SELECT statement used for transformations does not support all functions. For a complete list of the supported...
Dynamic data masking is supported in which editions of snowflake
Dynamic data masking is supported in which editions of snowflakeA . Enterprise B. VPS C. Business Critical D. StandardView AnswerAnswer: A,B,C Explanation: Support for Dynamic masking is available in enterprise edition and above
You have a need to make external file data available to your users with the lowest latency. The files are on an external stage in AWS.
You have a need to make external file data available to your users with the lowest latency. The files are on an external stage in AWS. What feature of Snowflake is the most appropriate to useA . Materialized View B. SnowPipe C. Secure ViewView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Snowpipe is Snowflake’s...
Which copy options are not supported by CREATE PIPE...AS COPY FROM command?
Which copy options are not supported by CREATE PIPE...AS COPY FROM command?A . FILES = ( 'file_name1' [ , 'file_name2', ... ] ) B. FORCE = TRUE | FALSE C. ON_ERROR = ABORT_STATEMENT D. VALIDATION_MODE = RETURN_n_ROWS | RETURN_ERRORS | RETURN_ALL_ERRORS E. MATCH_BY_COLUMN_NAME = CASE_SENSITIVE | CASE_INSENSITIVE | NONEView AnswerAnswer:...
Loading data using snowpipe REST API is supported for external stage only
Loading data using snowpipe REST API is supported for external stage onlyA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Snowpipe supports loading from the following stage types:
In the default access control hierarchy, both securityadmin and sysadmin are owned by accountadmin
In the default access control hierarchy, both securityadmin and sysadmin are owned by accountadminA . TRUE B. FALSEView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Role hierarchy is an important concept that you should read thoroughly. More than one question may appear in the exam on this topic. Please remember in snowflake you cannot...
What does that mean?
You got a response code of 429 from the insertFiles API. What does that mean?A . Failure. Invalid request due to an invalid format, or limit exceeded B. Failure. pipeName not recognized C. Failure. Request rate limit exceeded D. Failure. Internal error occurredView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: response body Response Codes:...
What data type SNOWFLAKE will assign to column NAME?
You have created a table as below CREATE TABLE TEST_01 (NAME STRING(10)); What data type SNOWFLAKE will assign to column NAME?A . LONGCHAR B. STRING C. VARCHARView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Try it yourself Execute the below commands CREATE TABLE TEST_01 (NAME STRING(10)); DESCRIBE TABLE TEST_01;