With a large dataset, limited computational resources or frequent new data to learn from, we can adopt what type of machine learning?

With a large dataset, limited computational resources or frequent new data to learn from, we can adopt what type of machine learning?A . Batch learning. B. Big Data learning. C. Patchwork learning. D. Online learning.View AnswerAnswer: A

September 19, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What can be used to learn from the data generated by the simul-ations?

An agent based model is a simul-ation of autonomous agents (individual and collective). What can be used to learn from the data generated by the simul-ations?A . Paraview. B. Machine Learning. C. Python. D. A spreadsheetView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.082080899

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Who was the pioneer of computer programming?

Who was the pioneer of computer programming?A . Dame Wendy Hall. B. Karen Spark Jones. C. Ada Lovelace. D. Sophie WilsonView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: https://www.techopedia.com/2/31564/watercooler/ada-lovelace-enchantress-of-numbers

September 15, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is defined as a machine that can carry out a complex series of tasks automatically?

What is defined as a machine that can carry out a complex series of tasks automatically?A . A robot B. A production line. C. A computer. D. An autonomous vehicle.View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robot#:~:text=A%20robot%20is%20a%20machine,control%20 may%20be%20embedded%20within.

September 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which factor of a Waterfall' approach is most likely to result in the failed delivery of an Al project?

Which factor of a Waterfall' approach is most likely to result in the failed delivery of an Al project?A . Takes longer to deliver all functional requirements. B. Discourages collaboration and cross boundary communication. C. Takes longer to complete the design phase of the project. D. Discourages revisiting and revising...

September 13, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is defined as a philosophy, or set of assumptions and/or techniques, which characterise an approach to a class of problems?

What is defined as a philosophy, or set of assumptions and/or techniques, which characterise an approach to a class of problems?A . An approach. B. A set C. A paradigm. D. An algorithm.View AnswerAnswer: C

September 12, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Healthcare can benefit from Al, and in particular Machine Learning, an example of which is?

Healthcare can benefit from Al, and in particular Machine Learning, an example of which is?A . Autonomous wheelchairs. B. Automated blood sampling. C. Autonomous vehicles. D. Diagnostic image analysisView AnswerAnswer: D

September 11, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What technique can be adopted when a weak learners hypothesis accuracy is only slightly better than 50%?

What technique can be adopted when a weak learners hypothesis accuracy is only slightly better than 50%?A . Over-fitting B. Activation. C. Iteration. D. Boosting.View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: ✑ Weak Learner: Colloquially, a model that performs slightly better than a naive model. More formally, the notion has been generalized to...

September 11, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

From the Ell's ethics guidelines for Al, what does 'The Principle of Autonomy,' mean?

From the Ell's ethics guidelines for Al, what does 'The Principle of Autonomy,' mean?A . Robots will have freewill. B. Al agents will behave as humans. C. Al systems will be human-centric D. Al systems will preserve human agency.View AnswerAnswer: C

September 10, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Tensor flow is a typical open source what?

Tensor flow is a typical open source what?A . Cloud based AI application. B. Intelligent robot paradigm. C. Machine learning library. D. Agent based modelling applicationView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries and community...

September 10, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +