How would they ensure the configuration is deployed and consistent across all environments?
An Adobe Commerce developer creates a new website using a data patch. Each website will have unique pricing by website. The developer does not have visibility into the production and staging environments so they do not know what the configuration currently is. How would they ensure the configuration is deployed...
An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria:
An Adobe Commerce developer is working on a module to manage custom brand entities and wants to replicate the following SQL query using SearchCriteria: A) B) C) A . Option A B. Option B C. Option CView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The following SearchCriteria query will replicate the SQL query: $searchCriteria...
After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes. xml file that the developer created in their module: What is the problem with this xml snippet?
An Adobe Commerce developer adds a new extension attribute to add an array of values to the invoices that are fetched through the APIs. After a while, their technical manager reviews their work and notices something wrong with the extension_attributes. xml file that the developer created in their module: What...
What is the correct xml to accomplish this?
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to modify the PageBuilder slider content type to allow a new custom content type (other than slide) to be assigned as a child. The developer has already created the new content type called improved_slide in their module. They now need to create a...
An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding custom data to orders fetched from the API. While keeping best practices in mind, how would the developer achieve this?
An Adobe Commerce developer is tasked with adding custom data to orders fetched from the API. While keeping best practices in mind, how would the developer achieve this?A . Create an extension attribute on NagentosalesApiE)ataorderinterface and an after plugin on MagentoSalesModelOrder: :getExtensionAttributes() to add the custom data. B. Create an...
How can this be resolved?
An Adobe Commerce developer has been tasked with applying a pricing adjustment to products on the website. The adjustments come from a database table. In this case, catalog price rules do not work. They created a plugin for getPrice on the price model, but the layered navigation is still displaying...
After debugging and ensuring that the data persistence logic is correct, what may be cause and solution to this?
An Adobe Commerce Developer is tasked with creating a custom form which submits its data to a frontend controller They have decided to create an action and have implemented the MagentoFrameworkAppActionHttpPostActioninterface class, but are not seeing the data being persisted in the database, and an error message is being shown...
Add the following annotation to the test method:
Add the following annotation to the test method: A . Option A B. Option B C. Option CView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: To add a custom fixture to test a MyVendor_MyModule, the developer needs to do the following: Create a PHP file with the fixture data in [magento root dir]/dev/tests/integration/testsuite/MyVendor/MyModule/_files/my_fixture.php. Add...
What would be the plugin execution order?
The di. xml file of a module attaches two plugins for the class Action. The PluginA has the methods: beforeDispatch, aroundDispatch, afterDispatch. The PluginB has the methods: beforeDispatch, afterDispatch. The around plugin code is: What would be the plugin execution order? A) B) C) A . Option A B. Option...
What is the correct way to configure the command?
An Adobe Commerce developer has created a process that exports a given order to some external accounting system. Launching this process using the Magento CLI with the command php bin/magento my_module:order: process --order_id=<order_id> is required. Example: php bin/magento my_module:order:process --order_id=1245. What is the correct way to configure the command? A)...