What is the correct way to modify the Ul component to set a custom template file for the field?
A client would like to add an image icon in front of the telephone field to the shipping address form on a checkout page . What is the correct way to modify the Ul component to set a custom template file for the field? A) B) C) A . Option...
How can a developer turn off all store view options and scope indicators for a single-store installation?
How can a developer turn off all store view options and scope indicators for a single-store installation?A . Remove all websites, stores, and store views. B. Change the application mode to ''production". C. Set the 'Enable Single-Store Mode' configuration setting to "Yes".View AnswerAnswer: C
Which attribute option enables Adobe Commerce to distinguish between built-in attributes and the attributes created by the developer?
Which attribute option enables Adobe Commerce to distinguish between built-in attributes and the attributes created by the developer?A . custom B. user_defined C. systemView AnswerAnswer: A
Which file provides the shipping address of the current quote?
A developer is making customizations in the checkout, and access to the quote's shipping address is needed . Which file provides the shipping address of the current quote?A . Magento_Quote/js/model/model B. Mag ento_Checkout/Js/model/quote C. Magonto_Checkout/Js/model/quote shipping-addressView AnswerAnswer: C
Which feature should a developer enable if a B2B buyer wants to negotiate the product price from a shopping cart?
Which feature should a developer enable if a B2B buyer wants to negotiate the product price from a shopping cart?A . B2B Quote B. B2B Bid C. B2B Propose priceView AnswerAnswer: A
Under which section should the soft dependency for a module be listed in app/code/<Vendor>/<Module>/composer.json file?
Under which section should the soft dependency for a module be listed in app/code/<Vendor>/<Module>/composer.json file?A . soft': { } ''optional'':{ B. } ''Suggest": { C. }View AnswerAnswer: C
Which method type can be intercepted by plugins?
Which method type can be intercepted by plugins?A . static B. public C. finalView AnswerAnswer: B
Which file is used to add a custom router class to the list of routers?
Which file is used to add a custom router class to the list of routers?A . config.xml B. routes.xml C. dl.xmlView AnswerAnswer: C
How are multiple EAV attributes belonging to the same entity grouped in the database?
How are multiple EAV attributes belonging to the same entity grouped in the database?A . Based on the types of values they contain B. Based on all numeric values being stored in one table while text values are stored in the other C. Based on the sizes of values they...
Which action, if any, should be taken to forbid Adobe Commerce Admin from performing specific actions?
Which action, if any, should be taken to forbid Adobe Commerce Admin from performing specific actions?A . Enable custom roles In the store configuration, and assign admin user ID(s). B. Create a new user role with custom defined resources, and assign It to the admin user. C. This action cannot...