What will be the return type of the execute method?
Your module adds a new controller class which will return a JSON response. What will be the return type of the execute method?A . You should implement a new API endpoint instead of returning JSON from a controllerB . The string value of Zend_Json::encode()C . An instance of MagentoFrameworkControllerResultJsonD ....
What order operation is available in the My Account section in the storefront?
What order operation is available in the My Account section in the storefront?A . Edit orderB . RefundC . ReorderD . InvoiceView AnswerAnswer: C
How do you visually check if Magento evaluates your ACL resource as expected?
The module MyCompany_MyModule provides custom admin interface pages. Access to these pages should only be granted to specific users. You add the required configuration to the module’s acl.xml file, but the setting does not seem to work as expected. How do you visually check if Magento evaluates your ACL resource...
How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?
How many shipping addresses may be selected for an order during the checkout process?A . One shipping address per line item is possibleB . Only one shipping address per order is possibleC . One shipping addresses per unit of quantity is possibleD . One shipping address per product type is...
What risk does this pose, and how can it be mitigated?
In a code review of a merchant’s site you have discovered that there are multiple observers for the checkout_submit_all_after event. After closer inspection, you notice one of these observers is relying on the others being executed before it is called. What risk does this pose, and how can it be...
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive?
How do you pass an array [‘one’, ‘two] as a parameter to you block using the layout XML arguments directive? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: A
What do you specify as the menu item action attribute value so it links to /admin/mycompany/mymodule/?
You are adding a new menu item to the admin backend which will link to a custom backend page. The declaration of the route: What do you specify as the menu item action attribute value so it links to /admin/mycompany/mymodule/?A . action=”adminhtml/mycompany/mymodule/”B . action=”admin/mycompany/mymodule/”C . It is not possible without...
Which mechanism do you use?
A custom module needs to log all calls of MagentoCustomerApiAddressRepositoryInterface::save(). Which mechanism do you use?A . An observer on the customer_address_repository_save event, which is automatically fired for every repository saveB . A proxy configured to intercept all calls to any public method and log themC . An extension attribute configured...
What is the required class definition for the event observer?
You have configured an event observer to watch the checkout_submit_all_after event using this XML: What is the required class definition for the event observer? A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: B
✑ before and after element attributes?
In layout files you can change al element’s order on a page. This can be done using one of the following: ✑ <move> instruction ✑ before and after element attributes? How are two methods different?A . They are the same, both provide access to the same functionalityB . Elements are...