What is the primary purpose for specifying identifier variables across SDTM domains?

What is the primary purpose for specifying identifier variables across SDTM domains?A . To uniquely reference each recordB . To satisfy regulatory conditionsC . To include the appropriate subject informationD . To include the appropriate study informationView AnswerAnswer: A

April 1, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which types of variables are DayofMonth, MonthofYear, and Year?

The following SAS program is submitted: Which types of variables are DayofMonth, MonthofYear, and Year?A . DayofMonth, Year, and MonthofYear are character.B . DayofMonth, Year, and MonthofYear are numeric.C . DayofMonth and Year are numeric. MonthofYear is characterD . DayofMonth, Year, and MonthofYear are date valuesView AnswerAnswer: B

April 1, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which code adds the second line of the header "Adverse Events"?

A report that you are working on will require the following header lines: Which code adds the second line of the header "Adverse Events"?A . header2 'Adverse Events';B . header2 = 'Adverse Events';C . title2 = 'Adverse Events';D . title2 'Adverse Events';View AnswerAnswer: D

April 1, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following DATA steps produces a data set that is equivalent to the LBTR data set created by the PROC TRANSPOSE step above?

The first six (6) records from the LABS data set are shown below: The following SAS program is written to reshape this data set and place it in a new data set named LBTR. proc transpose data=labs out=lbtr(rename = (col1 = value)); by subjid sampldat; var Calcium Glucose Hemoglobin; run;...

April 1, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Identify the data structure with the following characteristics:

Identify the data structure with the following characteristics: - Contains one or more records per subject, per analysis parameter, and per analysis timepoint. - May be derived from findings, events, interventions and special-purpose SDTM domains, or other ADaM datasets. - A record can represent an observed, derived, or imputed value...

March 31, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which code produces the counts requested?

A statistical analysis plan asks you to create a table with the following counts of adverse events: - the number adverse events in each system organ class (AESOC) - within each level of system organ class, the number of adverse events with each preferred term (AEPT). Which code produces the...

March 31, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the value stored in the SDTM domain CM.CMSTDTC variable?

A subject reports a medication started in March of 2007 but cannot recall the day number. What is the value stored in the SDTM domain CM.CMSTDTC variable?A . 00MAR2007B . 2007 03C . MAR2007D . 2007-03View AnswerAnswer: D

March 31, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement correctly adds a label to the data set?

Which statement correctly adds a label to the data set?A . DATA two Label="Subjects having duplicate observations"; set one; run;B . DATA two; Label="Subjects having duplicate observations"; set one; run;C . DATA two; set one; Label dataset="Subjects having duplicate observations"; run;D . DATA two (Label="Subjects having duplicate observations"); set one;View...

March 30, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which value will be assigned to variable TOTAL?

Given the SAS data set WORK.VS1: Which value will be assigned to variable TOTAL?A . missingB . 112C . 140D . 560View AnswerAnswer: C

March 30, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which code segment includes a statement that would reset the graphics counter and ensure a 6in by 4in image is produced?

Which code segment includes a statement that would reset the graphics counter and ensure a 6in by 4in image is produced?A . ods graphics / counter = 1 width = 6in height = 4in;B . ods graphics / width = 6in height = 4in reset;C . ods graphics / reset...

March 29, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +