Which statement describes a characteristic of the SAS automatic variable _ERROR_?
Which statement describes a characteristic of the SAS automatic variable _ERROR_?A . The _ERROR_ variable maintains a count of the number of data errors in a DATA step. B. The _ERROR_ variable is added to the program data vector and becomes part of the data set being created. C. The...
What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION?
The following SAS program is submitted: data test; set chemists; jobcode = ‘Chem2’ then description = ‘Senior Chemist’; else description = ‘Unknown’; run; The value for the variable JOBCODE is: JOBCODE ------------- chem2 What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION?A . chem2 B. Unknown C. Senior Chemist D. ‘...
What is written to the output raw data file?
Given the SAS data set PEPM.STUDENTS: PERM.STUDENTS NAME AGE Alfred 14 Alice13 Barbara13 Carol14 The following SAS program is submitted: libname perm ‘SAS data library’; data students; set perm. Students; file ‘file specification’; put name $15. @5 age 2.; run; What is written to the output raw data file?A ....
What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully?
The following SAS program is submitted: data temp.x; set sasuser.y; run; What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully?A . A LIBNAME statement for the libref TEMP only must be submitted. B. A LIBNAME statement for the libref SASUSER only must be submitted....
Which statement correctly assigns a library reference to the Excel workbook?
The Excel workbook QTR1.XLS contains the following three worksheets: JAN FEB MAR Which statement correctly assigns a library reference to the Excel workbook?A . libname qtrdata 'qtr1.xls'; B. libname 'qtr1.xls' sheets=3; C. libname jan feb mar 'qtr1.xls'; D. libname mydata 'qtr1.xls' WORK.heets=(jan,feb,mar);View AnswerAnswer: A
Which statement best describes the output from the submitted program?
The following program is submitted: proc contents data=_all_; run; Which statement best describes the output from the submitted program?A . The output contains only a list of the SAS data sets that are contained in the WORK library. B. The output displays only the contents of the SAS data sets...
What are the values of the variables TYPE and COLOR?
Given the contents of the raw data file TYPECOLOR: ----I----10---I----20---I----30 Daisyyellow The following SAS program is submitted: data flowers; infile ‘typecolor’; input type$ 1-5+1 color$; run; What are the values of the variables TYPE and COLOR?A . type colordaisygreen B. type colordaisy ellow C. type colordaisyyellow” “(missing character value) D....
What is output?
The SAS data set WORK.ONE contains a numeric variable named Num ana character variable named Char: WORK.ONE Num Char ------ ------ 1 23 3 23 1 77 The following SAS program is submitted: proc print data=WORK.ONE; where Num='1'; run; What is output?A . Num Char--- ---- 1 23 B. Num...
Where is the output written?
The following SAS program is submitted: Data_null_; set old; put sales 1 sales2; run; Where is the output written?A . to the SAS log B. to the SAS data set _NULL_ C. to the SAS output window or to an output file D. to the raw data file that was...
Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays the NORTH worksheet?
The Excel workbook REGIONS.XLS contains the following four worksheets: EAST WEST NORTH SOUTH The following program is submitted: libname MYXLS 'regions.xls'; Which PROC PRINT step correctly displays the NORTH worksheet?A . proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH;run; B. proc print data=MYXLS.NORTH$;run; C. proc print data=MYXLS.'NORTH'e;run; D. proc print data=MYXLS.'NORTH$'n;run;View AnswerAnswer: D