When reading a SAS data file, what does the NOBS=option on the SET statement represent?
When reading a SAS data file, what does the NOBS=option on the SET statement represent?A . A variable that represents the total number of observation in the output data set(s)B . A variable that represents a flag indicating the end of the fileC . A variable that represents the total...
Which one of the following represents the data values stored in data set COMBINE?
Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO: ONE TWO OBS COMMON X OBS COMMON Y 1 A 10 1 A 1 2 A 13 2 A 3 3 A 14 3 B 4 4 B 9 4 B 2 5 C 8 5 C 5 6 C 14...
Which one of the following SAS programs uses the most amount of memory resources for output buffers?
Which one of the following SAS programs uses the most amount of memory resources for output buffers?A . data new(bufsize = 1000 bufno = 5); set temp; run;B . data new(bufsize = 1000 bufno = 2); set temp; run;C . data new(bufsize = 2000 bufno = 3); set temp; run;D...
What is the written to the SAS log?
CORRECT TEXT The following SAS program is submitted: %macro check(num=4); %let result=%sysevalf(&num+0.5); %put result is &result; %mend; %check(num=10) What is the written to the SAS log?A . result isB . result is 10C . result is 10.5D . result is 10+0.5View AnswerAnswer: C
Which SAS integrity constraint type ensures that a specific set or range of values are the only values in a variable?
Which SAS integrity constraint type ensures that a specific set or range of values are the only values in a variable?A . CHECKB . NOT NULLC . PRIMARY KEYD . UNIQUEView AnswerAnswer: A
Which one of the following DATA step programs creates an equivalent SAS data set THREE?
Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO: ONE TWO NUM CHAR1 NUM CHAR2 1 A1 2 X1 1 A2 2 X2 2 B1 3 Y 2 B2 5 V 4 D The following SAS program is submitted creating the output table THREE: proc sql; create table three as...
Which one of the following SAS integrity constraint types ensures that a specific set or range of values are the only values in a variable?
Which one of the following SAS integrity constraint types ensures that a specific set or range of values are the only values in a variable?A . CHECKB . UNIQUEC . FORMATD . DISTINCTView AnswerAnswer: A
Which describes the result of submitting the SAS program?
The following SAS program is submitted: Data sasuser.history; Set sasuser.history(keep=state x y Rename = (state=ST)); Total=sum(x, y); Run; The SAS data set SASUSER.HISTORY has an index on the variable STATE. Which describes the result of submitting the SAS program?A . The index on STATE is deleted and an index on...
What is generated as output?
The following SAS program is submitted: %let lib=%upcase(sauser); proc sql; select nvar form dictionary.tables where libname='&lib"; quit; Several SAS data sets exist in the SAUSER library. What is generated as output?A . A report showing the names of the columns in each table in SASUSERB . A report showing the...
Which one of the following SAS system options writes that text to the log?
Text is sent to the SAS compiler as a result of macro execution. Which one of the following SAS system options writes that text to the log?A . MPRINTB . MLOGICC . MSOURCED . SOURCE2View AnswerAnswer: A