In PCCE 12k, what are two options to manage payloads? (Choose two.)
In PCCE 12k, what are two options to manage payloads? (Choose two.)A . a custom payload is created during the installationB . ECC Variables where Default Payload is the only option and all new ECC Variables are automatically added to the Custom PayloadC . delete the default payload and rebuild...
What is the first thing that should be verified as part of troubleshooting in this scenario?
ABC customer implemented Post Call Survey (PCS) for all Customer calls. However, the PCS flow did not engage for any of the calls. The CVP logs did not show any pieces of evidence that PCS requests had been made for the Caller. What is the first thing that should be...
Where must a Dialed Number be mapped within CCE?
Where must a Dialed Number be mapped within CCE?A . Call Type, which in turn points to a scheduled Routing ScriptB . Precision queueC . Skill groupD . Media ServerView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: A Dialed Number must be mapped within CCE to a Call Type, which in turn points to...
What are two core components of PCCE? (Choose two.)
What are two core components of PCCE? (Choose two.)A . CVP Call/VXML ServerB . Agent PG A and B sideC . Cisco ECE Services ServerD . CVP Reporting ServerE . Cisco ECE Web serverView AnswerAnswer: A, B Explanation: CVP Call/VXML Server is one of the core components of PCCE, as...
Which Routing Script logic helps to invoke the Post Call Survey successfully?
Which Routing Script logic helps to invoke the Post Call Survey successfully?A . If the script completes after going to an Agent, the call is directed to the Post Call Survey dialed number.B . To offer the PCS for all incoming DNs. there is no need to explicitly set the...
What are two ways to access UCCE/PCCE Servers? (Choose two.)
What are two ways to access UCCE/PCCE Servers? (Choose two.)A . ICAB . Web browser to access Web Administration toolC . RAWD . Secure Shell (SSHW1E . Microsoft RDPView AnswerAnswer: B, E Explanation: UCCE (Unified Contact Center Enterprise) and PCCE provide a variety of ways for administrators and users to...
What is the role of a private network in UCCE/PCCE?
What is the role of a private network in UCCE/PCCE?A . provides configuration updates from Logger to AWB . keeps each side of the duplex pair in syncC . replicates data from PG to RouterD . communicates with the public networkView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: The private network in UCCE/PCCE provides...
What are two descriptions for JNDI? (Choose two.)
What are two descriptions for JNDI? (Choose two.)A . a method for querying and updating data in a databaseB . designed to be independent of any specific directory service implementation so a variety of directories can be accessedC . a script that provides call routing!D . an API that defines...
What are two XML files that will be backed up when the Disaster Recovery System performs a cluster-level backup? (Choose two.)
What are two XML files that will be backed up when the Disaster Recovery System performs a cluster-level backup? (Choose two.)A . drfSchedule.xmlB . drfDevice.xmlC . drfDeviceProfile.xmlD . drfPlatform.xmlE . drfSystem.xmlView AnswerAnswer: A, E Explanation: drfSchedule.xml is one of the XML files that will be backed up when the Disaster...
At this point, which two actions does the WB take?
When an explicit or implicit Send to VRU node is encountered, a default Label is returned to CVR This Label, along with a unique correlation ID, is delivered to CVR The CVP delivers this string via SIP invite to the Virtual Voice Browser (WB). At this point, which two actions...