How many fully established neighbour relationships exist on an Ethernet with five routers running OSPF as network type broadcast?
How many fully established neighbour relationships exist on an Ethernet with five routers running OSPF as network type broadcast?A . 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 10 E. 20View AnswerAnswer: D
What must they monitor to have visibility on the potential performance impact due to the constantly increasing number of spoke sites?
Company XYZ has a hub-and-spoke topology over an SP-managed infrastructure. To measure traffic performance metrics, they implemented IP SLA senders on all spoke CE routers and an IP SLA responder on the hub CE router. What must they monitor to have visibility on the potential performance impact due to the...
Which implementation plan can be used to accommodate this during the migration phase?
An enterprise plans to evolve from a traditional WAN network to a software-defined WAN network. The existing devices have limited capability when it comes to virtualization. As the migration is carried out, enterprise applications and services must not experience any traffic impact. Which implementation plan can be used to accommodate...
Which two benefits can software defined networks provide to businesses? (Choose two.)
Which two benefits can software defined networks provide to businesses? (Choose two.)A . provides additional redundancy B. decentralized management C. reduced latency D. enables innovation E. reduction of OpEx/CapEx F. meets high traffic demandsView AnswerAnswer: D,E
Which hosting data center pair can host the new application?
Refer to the exhibit. ACME Mining has four data centers in Santiago. Cape Town. Mumbai, and Beijing, full-mesh connected via a 400 Mb/s EVP-LAN. They want to deploy a new mission-critical application with theserequirements: ✑ cluster heartbeat 2 Mb/s continuous (250 KB/s) ✑ cluster heartbeat one-way maximum latency 100 ms...
Which challenge is solved by SDN for cloud service providers?
SDN emerged as a technology trend that attracted many industries to move from traditional networks to SDN. Which challenge is solved by SDN for cloud service providers?A . need for intelligent traffic monitoring B. exponential growth of resource-intensive application C. complex and distributed management flow D. higher operating expense and...
Which use case is suitable for using IPFIX probes?
IPFIX data collection via standalone IPFIX probes is an alternative to flow collection from routers and switches. Which use case is suitable for using IPFIX probes?A . performance monitoring B. security C. observation of critical links D. capacity planningView AnswerAnswer: C
Which two factors should you consider to adjust the timer values?
A senior network designer suggests that you should improve network convergence timesby reducing BGP timers between your CE router and the PE router of the service provider. Which two factors should you consider to adjust the timer values? (Choose two.)A . service provider agreement to support tuned timers B. manual...
As a network designer you need to support an enterprise with hundreds of remote sites connected over a single WAN network that carries different types of traffic, including VoIP, video, and data applications which of following design considerations will not impact design decision?
As a network designer you need to support an enterprise with hundreds of remote sites connected over a single WAN network that carries different types of traffic, including VoIP, video, and data applications which of following design considerations will not impact design decision?A . Focus on the solution instead of...
Aware services for location tracking changes must be applied to the existing wireless network to increase the location accuracy?
An existing wireless network was designed to support data traffic only. You must nowinstall context. Aware services for location tracking changes must be applied to the existing wireless network to increase the location accuracy? (Chose two)A . Add access points along the perimeter of the coverage area. B. Increase the...