What will happen when Shannon enables JIT VM access?

Shannon Elizabeth works as a cloud security engineer in VicPro Soft Pvt. Ltd. Microsoft Azure provides all cloud-based services to her organization. Shannon created a resource group (ProdRes), and then created a virtual machine (myprodvm) in the resource group. On myprodvm virtual machine, she enabled JIT from the Azure Security...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following cloud service provider filters the VM network traffic in a virtual network using NSGs?

Global SciTech Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that develops healthcare-related software. Using an incident detection system (IDS) and antivirus software, the incident response team of the organization has observed that attackers are targeting the organizational network to gain access to the resources in the on-premises environment. Therefore, their team...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

In which of the following steps of the incident response lifecycle, the incident team determined to make that decision?

An organization, PARADIGM PlayStation, moved its infrastructure to a cloud as a security practice. It established an incident response team to monitor the hosted websites for security issues. While examining network access logs using SIEM, the incident response team came across some incidents that suggested that one of their websites...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

If Ray turns off the VM, what will happen?

Ray Nicholson works as a senior cloud security engineer in TerraCloud Sec Pvt. Ltd. His organization deployed all applications in a cloud environment in various virtual machines. Using IDS, Ray identified that an attacker compromised a particular VM. He would like to limit the scope of the incident and protect...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Based on the given information, which of the following type of update was implemented by Terry?

Terry Diab has an experience of 6 years as a cloud security engineer. She recently joined a multinational company as a senior cloud security engineer. Terry learned that there is a high probability that her organizational applications could be hacked and user data such as passwords, usernames, and account information...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which cloud service model should it consider?

A BPO company would like to expand its business and provide 24 x 7 customer service. Therefore, the organization wants to migrate to a fully functional cloud environment that provides all features with minimum maintenance and administration. Which cloud service model should it consider?A . laaSB . PaaSC . RaaSD...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

What can the organization do initially to avoid the legal implications of moving data between two AWS regions for analysis?

A security incident has occurred within an organization's AWS environment. A cloud forensic investigation procedure is initiated for the acquisition of forensic evidence from the compromised EC2 instances. However, it is essential to abide by the data privacy laws while provisioning any forensic instance and sending it for analysis. What...

August 14, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following AWS services can be used to accomplish this?

A new public web application is deployed on AWS that will run behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). An AWS security expert needs to encrypt the newly deployed application at the edge with an SSL/TLS certificate issued by an external certificate authority. In addition, he needs to ensure the rotation...

August 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following command lines should Kevin use to change the #PermitRootLogin yes line to disable password-based remote logins?

Kevin Ryan has been working as a cloud security engineer over the past 2 years in a multinational company, which uses AWS-based cloud services. He launched an EC2 instance with Amazon Linux AMI. By disabling password-based remote logins, Kevin wants to eliminate all possible loopholes through which an attacker can...

August 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can Georgia eliminate the data transfer capacity thresholds imposed on a virtual server by its virtualized environment?

Georgia Lyman works as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company. Her organization uses cloud-based services. Its virtualized networks and associated virtualized resources encountered certain capacity limitations that affected the data transfer performance and virtual server communication. How can Georgia eliminate the data transfer capacity thresholds imposed on a...

August 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +