What does this event log indicate?
Sam, a security analyst with INFOSOL INC., while monitoring and analyzing IIS logs, detected an event matching regex /\w*((%27)|(’))((%6F)|o|(%4F))((%72)|r|(%52))/ix. What does this event log indicate?A . SQL Injection AttackB . Parameter Tampering AttackC . XSS AttackD . Directory Traversal AttackView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://community.broadcom.com/symantecenterprise/communities/community-home/librarydocuments/viewdocument?DocumentKey=001f5e09-88b4-4a9a-b310-4c20578eecf9&CommunityKey=1ecf5f55-9545-44d6-b0f4-4e4a7f5f5e68&tab=librarydocuments
Original URL: http://www.buyonline.com/product.aspx?
An attacker exploits the logic validation mechanisms of an e-commerce website. He successfully purchases a product worth $100 for $10 by modifying the URL exchanged between the client and the server. Original URL: http://www.buyonline.com/product.aspx?profile=12&debit=100 Modified URL: http://www.buyonline.com/product.aspx?profile=12&debit=10 Identify the attack depicted in the above scenario.A . Denial-of-Service AttackB . SQL...
Which of the following steps of incident handling and response process focus on limiting the scope and extent of an incident?
Which of the following steps of incident handling and response process focus on limiting the scope and extent of an incident?A . ContainmentB . Data CollectionC . EradicationD . IdentificationView AnswerAnswer: A
According to the Risk Matrix table, what will be the risk level when the probability of an attack is very high, and the impact of that attack is major?
According to the Risk Matrix table, what will be the risk level when the probability of an attack is very high, and the impact of that attack is major? NOTE: It is mandatory to answer the question before proceeding to the next one.A . HighB . ExtremeC . LowD ....
Which of the following process refers to the discarding of the packets at the routing level without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient?
Which of the following process refers to the discarding of the packets at the routing level without informing the source that the data did not reach its intended recipient?A . Load BalancingB . Rate LimitingC . Black Hole FilteringD . Drop RequestsView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_hole_(networking)#:~:text=In%20networking%2C%20black% 20holes%20refer,not%20reach%20its%20intended%20recipient.
What does this event log indicate?
Jane, a security analyst, while analyzing IDS logs, detected an event matching Regex /((%3C)|<)((%69)|i|(% 49))((%6D)|m|(%4D))((%67)|g|(%47))[^n]+((%3E)|>)/|. What does this event log indicate?A . Directory Traversal AttackB . Parameter Tampering AttackC . XSS AttackD . SQL Injection AttackView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://books.google.com.pk/books?id=PDR4nOAP8qUC&pg=PA87&lpg=PA87&dq=regex+/((%5C%253C)%7C<)((%5C%2569)%7Ci%7C(%5C%2549))((%5C%256D)%7Cm%7C(%5C%25 4D))((%5C% 2567)%7Cg%7C(%5C%2547))%5B%5E%5Cn%5D%2B((%5C%253E)%7C>)/% 7C&source=bl&ots=kOBHNfJmtq&sig=ACfU3U2CG_hELc1HMb1chdc9OS4ooXPlMg&hl=e n&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjYwJmlt_buAhUFShUIHTBNAs8Q6AEwBXoECAUQAw#v=onepage&q&f=false
In which log collection mechanism, the system or application sends log records either on the local disk or over the network.
In which log collection mechanism, the system or application sends log records either on the local disk or over the network.A . rule-basedB . pull-basedC . push-basedD . signature-basedView AnswerAnswer: C
What Chloe is looking at?
Chloe, a SOC analyst with Jake Tech, is checking Linux systems logs. She is investigating files at /var/log/wtmp. What Chloe is looking at?A . Error logB . System boot logC . General message and system-related stuffD . Login recordsView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Reference: https://stackify.com/linux-logs/
This type of incident is categorized into?
David is a SOC analyst in Karen Tech. One day an attack is initiated by the intruders but David was not able to find any suspicious events. This type of incident is categorized into?A . True Positive IncidentsB . False positive IncidentsC . True Negative IncidentsD . False Negative IncidentsView...
He is at which stage of the threat intelligence life cycle?
Banter is a threat analyst in Christine Group of Industries. As a part of the job, he is currently formatting and structuring the raw data. He is at which stage of the threat intelligence life cycle?A . Dissemination and IntegrationB . Processing and ExploitationC . CollectionD . Analysis and ProductionView...