The Customer Information (CIP information - i.e. date of birth, drivers license) for an Individual Relationship is stored here.

The Customer Information (CIP information - i.e. date of birth, drivers license) for an Individual Relationship is stored here.A . Leads B. Connections C. Contacts D. OverviewView AnswerAnswer: C

September 24, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Covenants are automatically marked active when:

Covenants are automatically marked active when:A . The loan is paid off B. 30 days before the Next Evaluation Date C. The Loan is BookedView AnswerAnswer: C

September 23, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

True of False? The relationship statistics section comes with a default collection of exposure calculations.

True of False? The relationship statistics section comes with a default collection of exposure calculations.A . False B. TrueView AnswerAnswer: B

September 22, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False? During Approval Process, the Stage field on Product Package and Loan are what controls the syncing of Approval.

True or False? During Approval Process, the Stage field on Product Package and Loan are what controls the syncing of Approval.A . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

September 22, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Where should an end user begin spreading from?

Where should an end user begin spreading from?A . Loan B. Relationship C. Primary Contact D. Credit Memo Summary PageView AnswerAnswer: A

September 22, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

Covenant Compliance records are generated until:

Covenant Compliance records are generated until:A . the Status is changed B. A user deactivates the Covenant Management record C. All associated Loans are in the Booked Stage D. All Associated Loans are in the Complete StageView AnswerAnswer: C

September 22, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False? Informatica loads run on a manual sync. The admin must tell the sync to run.

True or False? Informatica loads run on a manual sync. The admin must tell the sync to run.A . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

September 21, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False? A Change Memo is used to request an approval to change terms, rate, amount, etc. AFTER the Loan has already been approved - but BEFORE the Loan has been closed/booked.

True or False? A Change Memo is used to request an approval to change terms, rate, amount, etc. AFTER the Loan has already been approved - but BEFORE the Loan has been closed/booked.A . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

September 21, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

The Process Overview provides a visual representation of the number of Loans categorized by which of the following?

The Process Overview provides a visual representation of the number of Loans categorized by which of the following?A . Loan Status B. Loan Stage C. Loan Amount D. Loan ProductView AnswerAnswer: B

September 21, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +

How can you calculate a risk rating (Select 2)?

How can you calculate a risk rating (Select 2)?A . Qualitative B. Narratives C. Quantitative D. TemplateView AnswerAnswer: A,C

September 20, 2022No CommentsREAD MORE +