Where should the LILO code reside, on a system with only one installation of Linux and no other operating systems?

Where should the LILO code reside, on a system with only one installation of Linux and no other operating systems?A . In the master boot recordB . In the boot sectorC . In the /boot directoryD . At the start of the kernelView AnswerAnswer: A

August 20, 20202 CommentsREAD MORE +

On a system with separate partitions for /, /usr, /var & /tmp, which filesystem can safely be mounted read-only?

On a system with separate partitions for /, /usr, /var & /tmp, which filesystem can safely be mounted read-only?View AnswerAnswer: /usr

August 20, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What tool can be used to send kernel boot messages to a remote server?

What tool can be used to send kernel boot messages to a remote server?View AnswerAnswer: netconsole

August 20, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

A system is running out of swap space. To initialise 5GB of additional swap space, which combination of commands should be used?

A system is running out of swap space. To initialise 5GB of additional swap space, which combination of commands should be used?A . dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swapfile bs=1024 count=5120000; mkswap /tmp/swapfile; swapon /tmp/swapfileB . dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swapfile bs=1024 count=5120000; swap on /tmp/swapfileC . dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swapfile bs=1024 count=5120000; mkswap /tmp/swapfile; mount...

August 20, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following commands will securely copy the directory ./fyf/ to /var/tmp/ on the remote host deltaur using the remote user account kevin?

Which of the following commands will securely copy the directory ./fyf/ to /var/tmp/ on the remote host deltaur using the remote user account kevin?A . rsync -a -e ssh kevin@deltaur:/var/tmp/ fyf/B . rsync -a -u kevin -e ssh fyf/ deltaur:/var/tmp/C . rsync -a -u kevin -e ssh deltaur:/var/tmp/ fyf/D ....

August 20, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following commands should be used in a bash script that needs a variable containing the IP address of the eth0 interface?

Which of the following commands should be used in a bash script that needs a variable containing the IP address of the eth0 interface? The output for the command ifconfig eth0 is shown below: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:CB:FA:30 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX...

August 19, 20201 CommentREAD MORE +

What is a significant difference between host and zone keys generated by dnssec-keygen?

What is a significant difference between host and zone keys generated by dnssec-keygen?A . There is no difference.B . Zone key files contain a public and private key.C . Host keys files contain a public and private key.D . Host keys must always be generated if DNSSEC is used; zone...

August 19, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the command that will extract information, such as module parameters, from the Linux Kernel modules and print this information to the command line? (Please specify only the command with no path information)

What is the command that will extract information, such as module parameters, from the Linux Kernel modules and print this information to the command line? (Please specify only the command with no path information)View AnswerAnswer: modinfo

August 19, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which configuration parameters should be added, if the server should use the algorithm hmac-md5 and the key skrKc4DoTzi/tAkllPi7JZA== ?

A BIND server should be upgraded to use TSIG. Which configuration parameters should be added, if the server should use the algorithm hmac-md5 and the key skrKc4DoTzi/tAkllPi7JZA== ?A . TSIG server.example.com. algorithm hmac-md5; secret "skrKc4DoTzi/tAkllPi7JZA=="; };B . key server.example.com. { algorithm hmac-md5; secret skrKc4DoTzi/tAkllPi7JZA==; };C . key server.example.com. { algorithm...

August 19, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +

What command must be used to create an ext3 filesystem?

What command must be used to create an ext3 filesystem?A . mke2fsB . mkext2fsC . mke3fsD . mkext3fsE . mkjfsView AnswerAnswer: A

August 19, 2020No CommentsREAD MORE +