What mechanism does collectd use to gather monitoring information on systems?

What mechanism does collectd use to gather monitoring information on systems?A . It uses a library of plugins.B . A master server connects to a collectd service on each machine to retrieve the information.C . It collects its own information on each server and sends that to a master server.D...

June 19, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

On a server running the 3.4.50-11 Linux kernel, which file in the /boot directory contains the kernel configuration parameters?

On a server running the 3.4.50-11 Linux kernel, which file in the /boot directory contains the kernel configuration parameters?A . config-linux-3.4.50-11B . config-3.4.50-11C . system-3.4.50-11D . vmlinuz-3.4.50-11E . rc.config-3.4.50-11View AnswerAnswer: B

June 16, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the purpose of the command udevadm monitor?

What is the purpose of the command udevadm monitor?A . It listens to kernel events produced by a udev rule and print information to the console.B . It monitors the /dev directory for new devices.C . It monitors the udev process and prints performance statistics to the console.D . It...

June 11, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Where is the LILO boot loader code typically installed on a system with only a single Linux installation and no other operating systems?

Where is the LILO boot loader code typically installed on a system with only a single Linux installation and no other operating systems?A . In the master boot record.B . In the boot sector.C . In the /boot directory.D . At the start of the kernel.View AnswerAnswer: A

June 9, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

What keyword is missing in the following line from /etc/fstab in order to make a USB flash device writeable by the user fred when mounted:

What keyword is missing in the following line from /etc/fstab in order to make a USB flash device writeable by the user fred when mounted: /dev/sda1 /mnt/usbflash vfat defaults,users,______=fred,umask=022, 0 0 (Provide the option name only without any settings)View AnswerAnswer: uid

May 28, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the full path to the directory which contains the scripts (or links to the original scripts) to run while the system boots to SysV-init runlevel 2?

What is the full path to the directory which contains the scripts (or links to the original scripts) to run while the system boots to SysV-init runlevel 2?View AnswerAnswer: /etc/rc2.d, /etc/rc2.d/, /etc/init.d/rc2.d, /etc/init.d/rc2.d/

May 10, 20181 CommentREAD MORE +

In the following output, what is the 5 minute load average for the system?

In the following output, what is the 5 minute load average for the system? # uptime 12:10:05 up 18 days, 19:00, 2 users, load average: 0.47, 24.71, 35.31A . 0.47B . 24.71C . 35.31D . There is no 5 minute interval. It is some value between 0.47 and 24.71.E ....

May 10, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

If all of the following files and/or symlinks exist in a SysV-init runlevel directory, which of the following will be executed first when booting the system directly into the runlevel?

If all of the following files and/or symlinks exist in a SysV-init runlevel directory, which of the following will be executed first when booting the system directly into the runlevel?A . S99lpiB . K99lpiC . PRE-S99lpiD . S98lpiE . S99a-lpiView AnswerAnswer: D

May 2, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which archive format is used to create an initramfs image?

Which archive format is used to create an initramfs image?A . gzipB . tarC . RARD . cpioE . bzip2View AnswerAnswer: D

April 24, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following best describes the format of the /etc/fstab file?

Which of the following best describes the format of the /etc/fstab file?A . device name; filesystem type; mount point; mount options; dump filesystem; fsck orderB . device name; mount point; filesystem type; mount options; dump filesystem; fsck orderC . device name; mount point; mount options; filesystem type; dump filesystem; fsck...

March 16, 2018No CommentsREAD MORE +