Which of the following describes a primary difference between ext2 and ext3 filesystems?
Which of the following describes a primary difference between ext2 and ext3 filesystems?A . ext3 completely changed the tools needed for management of the disks.B . ext3 includes journaling for the filesystem.C . ext3 has no significant differences.D . ext3 was primarily a bugfix update to ext2.View AnswerAnswer: B
Which command is used to load a module and its dependencies automatically?
Which command is used to load a module and its dependencies automatically?A . insmodB . modprobeC . rmmodD . lsmodView AnswerAnswer: B
Which shell built-in command can be used to determine what command will be run?
Which shell built-in command can be used to determine what command will be run?A . helpB . whenC . typeD . findView AnswerAnswer: C
What does the ? symbol within regular expressions represent?
What does the ? symbol within regular expressions represent?A . Match a literal ? character.B . Match the preceding qualifier zero or one times.C . Match the preceding qualifier one or more times.D . Match the preceding qualifier zero or more times.View AnswerAnswer: B
Which of the following will interpret (hello) as plain text?
Which of the following will interpret (hello) as plain text?A . grep -FB . grep -EC . egrepD . grepView AnswerAnswer: A
What is the effect of the following command?
What is the effect of the following command? $ pr report.txt | lprA . The file report.txt is formatted for printing and sent to the l pr program.B . Tabs are converted to spaces in report.txt, and the result is saved in lpr.C . The files report.txt and lpr are...
Which of the following commands lists the dependencies of a given dpkg package?
Which of the following commands lists the dependencies of a given dpkg package?A . apt-cache depends-on packageB . apt-cache requires packageC . apt-cache depends packageD . apt-cache dependencies packageView AnswerAnswer: C
Which of the following commands writes an image called from the current directory named raspbian.img to the SD card mounted at /dev/sdc?
Which of the following commands writes an image called from the current directory named raspbian.img to the SD card mounted at /dev/sdc?A . dd if=raspbian.img of=/dev/sdc bs=1MB . dd raspbian.img > /dev/sdcC . imgwrite raspbian.img > /dev/sdcD . imgw raspbian.img | cat /dev/sdcView AnswerAnswer: A
Which of the following is true of Linux swap space?
Which of the following is true of Linux swap space?A . Swap is used as additional memory when there is insufficient RAC . Swap is used by the mail server for security.D . Swap is used to hold temporary database tables.E . Swap is used to scrub data from the...
Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename?
Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename?A . 1>&2>filenamB . 2>&1 >filenameC . >>filenameD . >filename 2>&1E . 1&2>filenameView AnswerAnswer: D