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Swift CSP Assessor Swift Customer Security Programme Assessor Certification Online Training

Question #1

A Swift user relies on a sFTP server to connect through an externally exposed connection with a service provider or a group hub.

What architecture type is the Swift user? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . A1
  • B . A2
  • C . A3
  • D . A4

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Correct Answer: B, D
Question #2

Application Hardening basically applies the following principles. (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . Least Privileges
  • B . Access on a need to have
  • C . Reduced footprint for less potential vulnerabilities
  • D . Enhanced Straight Through Processing

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Correct Answer: A, B, C
Question #3

Using the outsourcing agent diagram.

Which components must be placed in a secure zone? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . Component A
  • B . Component B
  • C . Component C
  • D . Component D

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Correct Answer: A, D
Question #4

In the illustration, identify which components are in scope of the CSCF? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . Components A, B, K
  • B . Components J, K, I
  • C . Components F, G, H
  • D . Components C, E, M

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Correct Answer: D
Question #5

Can a Swift user choose to implement the security controls (example: logging and monitoring) in systems which are not directly in scope of the CSCE?

  • A . Yes
  • B . No

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Correct Answer: A
Question #6

Select the correct statement(s) about the Swift Alliance Gateway. (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . It acts as the single window to SwiftNet messaging services by concentrating your traffic flows
  • B . It allows sharing of PKI profiles between application or individuals, through the use of virtual profiles
  • C . It allows the creation and/or modification of some Swift messages (depending on the types &/or formats)
  • D . The Alliance Gateway can only be accessed by a SWIFTNet user

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Correct Answer: A, B
Question #7

The internet connectivity restriction control prevents having internet access on any CSCE m-scope components.

  • A . TRUE
  • B . FALSE

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Correct Answer: B
Question #8

Select the correct statement(s).

  • A . The public and private keys of a Swift certificate are stored on the Hardware Security Module
  • B . The certificate stored on the Swift Hardware Security Module is used during the decryption operation of a message
  • C . The decryption operation uses the encryption private key of the receiver
  • D . To verify the signature the SwiftNetLink uses the signing private key of the receiver

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Correct Answer: A, C
Question #9

The Swift HSM boxes:

  • A . Are located at the network partner premises and managed by Swift
  • B . Are located at the Swift user premises and managed by Swift
  • C . Are located at the Swift user premises and managed by the Swift user
  • D . Are located at the network partner premises and managed by Swift the network partner

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Correct Answer: C
Question #10

What type of control effectiveness needs to be validated for an independent assessment?

  • A . Effectiveness is never validated only the control design
  • B . An independent assessment is a point in time review with possible reviews of older evidence as appropriate
  • C . Operational effectiveness needs to be validated
  • D . None of the above

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Correct Answer: C

Question #11

How are online SwiftNet Security Officers authenticated?

  • A . Via their PKI certificate
  • B . Via their account and secure code card
  • C . Via their account

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Correct Answer: A
Question #12

Select the correct statement about Alliance Gateway.

  • A . It is used to exchange messages over the Swift network
  • B . It is used to create messages to send over the Swift network

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Correct Answer: A
Question #13

When hesitant on the applicability of a CSCF control to a particular component?

What steps should you take? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . Call your Swift contact
  • B . Check appendix F of the CSCF
  • C . Check carefully the Introduction section of the CSCF
  • D . Open a case with Swift support via the case manager on swift com if further information or solution cannot be found in the documentation

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Correct Answer: A, B, C, D
Question #14

The cluster of VPN boxes is also called managed-customer premises equipment (M-CPE).

  • A . TRUE
  • B . FALSE

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Correct Answer: A
Question #15

The Swift user would like to perform their CSP assessment in May for the CSCF version that will only be active as from July the same year. Is it allowed?

  • A . No, an assessment can only be done on the active version of the CSCF
  • B . Yes, the assessment on a particular version can start before the actual activation date

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Correct Answer: A
Question #16

Which encryption methods are used to secure the communications between the SNL host and HSM boxes?

  • A . NTLS and SSH
  • B . Telnet and SSL
  • C . NTLS and Telnet
  • D . MPLS and SSL

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Correct Answer: A
Question #17

Which of the following statements best describe valid implementations when implementing control 2.9 Transaction Business Controls? (Choose all that apply.)

  • A . Multiple measures must be implemented by the Swift user to validate the flows of transactions are in the bounds of the normal expected business
  • B . A customer designed implementation or a combination of different measures are deemed valid if they sufficiently mitigate the control risks
  • C . Reliance on a recent business assessment or regulator response confirming the effectiveness of the control (as an example CPMI’s_ requirement) is especially poignant to this control
  • D . Any solutions is acceptable so long as the CISO approves the implementation

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Correct Answer: A, B, C
Question #18

A detailed CSP assessment report has been provided to the Swift user following the assessment. Is a completion letter also mandated to be supplied?

  • A . Yes
  • B . No

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Correct Answer: A
Question #19

Is the control 2. 11 "RMA Business Controls” only about the process of validating the defined counterparty relationships?

  • A . Yes
  • B . No

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Correct Answer: B
Question #20

As a Swift CSP Certified Assessor. Swift contacted me to provide evidence on an assessment I have performed. This is required to support their quality assurance validation process. Is it allowed?

  • A . Yes, one of the obligations of the certification programme is that quality assessment can be performed by Swift
  • B . No, it’s confidential

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Correct Answer: A
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