Select the valid device types. (Choose two)
Select the valid device types. (Choose two)A . Pipe B. null C. Redirect D. udev E. Network F. Character G. BlockView AnswerAnswer: F,G
What starts the Linux Kernel during the boot process?
What starts the Linux Kernel during the boot process?A . initd B. The Boot Loader C. systemd D. The udev process E. BIOS or UEFI depending on the hardware architectureView AnswerAnswer: B
Which file system listed below would be the best choice for your data volumes?
You're setting up a SUES 15 server which will require very large data volumes and journaling capabilities. Which file system listed below would be the best choice for your data volumes?A . VFAT B. XFS C. Ext2 D. ReiserFS E. Ext3View AnswerAnswer: B
Which file should you modify to accomplish this?
You want to add two new custom items to the GRUB2 boot menu. Which file should you modify to accomplish this?A . /etc/grub.d/custom.cfg B. /etc/default/grub C. /etc/boot/grub.cfg D. /boot/grub2/menu.cfg E. /boot/grub2/custom.cfgView AnswerAnswer: E Explanation:
After the Kernel has been loaded during the boot process, which component will handle hardware detection?A . udev B. devmgr C. initramfs D. hal E. devfsdView AnswerAnswer: A