True or False: All Snowflake table types include fail-safe storage.

True or False: All Snowflake table types include fail-safe storage.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B

May 14, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statements are true of micro-partitions? Choose 2 answers

Which statements are true of micro-partitions? Choose 2 answersA . They are approximately 16MB in sizeB . They are stored compressed only if COMPRESS=TRUE on TableC . They are ImmutableD . They are only encrypted in the Enterprise edition and aboveView AnswerAnswer: A,C Explanation: Reference:

May 14, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following are true of multi-cluster Warehouses? Select all that apply below.

Which of the following are true of multi-cluster Warehouses? Select all that apply below.A . A multi-cluster Warehouse can add clusters automatically based on query activityB . A multi-cluster Warehouse can automatically turn itself off after a period of inactivityC . A multi-cluster Warehouse can scale down when query activity...

May 14, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following are examples of operations that require a Virtual Warehouse to complete, assuming no quires have been executed previously? Choose 3 answers

Which of the following are examples of operations that require a Virtual Warehouse to complete, assuming no quires have been executed previously? Choose 3 answersA . MIN(< < column value>>)B . COPYC . SUM(<< column value >>)D . UPDATEView AnswerAnswer: B,C,D

May 14, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False: It is possible to query data from an Internal or named External stage without loading the data into Snowflake.

True or False: It is possible to query data from an Internal or named External stage without loading the data into Snowflake.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A

May 13, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

The PUT command: (Choose two.)

The PUT command: (Choose two.)A . Automatically creates a File Format objectB . Automatically uses the last Stage createdC . Automatically compresses files using GzipD . Automatically encrypts filesView AnswerAnswer: C,D Explanation: Reference:

May 13, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

When can a Virtual Warehouse start running queries?

When can a Virtual Warehouse start running queries?A . 12am-5amB . Only during administrator defined time slotsC . When its provisioning is completeD . After replicationView AnswerAnswer: B

May 13, 20211 CommentREAD MORE +

Increasing the maximum number of clusters in a Multi-Cluster Warehouse is an example of:

Increasing the maximum number of clusters in a Multi-Cluster Warehouse is an example of:A . Scaling rhythmicallyB . Scaling maxC . Scaling outD . Scaling UpView AnswerAnswer: D

May 13, 20211 CommentREAD MORE +

When scaling up Virtual Warehouse by increasing Virtual Warehouse t-shirt size, you are primarily scaling for improved: Select one.

When scaling up Virtual Warehouse by increasing Virtual Warehouse t-shirt size, you are primarily scaling for improved: Select one.A . ConcurrencyB . PerformanceView AnswerAnswer: B

May 12, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +

True or False: When data share is established between a Data Provider and a data Consumer, the Data Consumer can extend that data share to other Data Consumers.

True or False: When data share is established between a Data Provider and a data Consumer, the Data Consumer can extend that data share to other Data Consumers.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference:

May 12, 2021No CommentsREAD MORE +