Which of the below SQLs will you run to validate any loads of the pipe within the last hour?
Which of the below SQLs will you run to validate any loads of the pipe within the last hour?A . select * from table(validate_pipe_load( pipe_name=>'data_engineer_pipe', start_time=>dateadd(hour, -1, current_timestamp()))); B. select * from table(pipe_load_status( pipe_name=>'data_engineer_pipe', start_time=>dateadd(hour, -1, current_timestamp()))); C. select * from table(check_pipe_load( pipe_name=>'data_engineer_pipe', start_time=>dateadd(hour, -1, current_timestamp())));View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/functions/validate_pipe_load.html#validate-pipe-load...
from employee where role = current_role();
from employee where role = current_role();A . Only users with the desired role will be able to retrieve results from the view B. Only users with the correct role assigned and SYSADMIN will be able to retrieve the results from the view C. The operation will error out since the...
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE TIME_TRAVEL_SCHEMA.TIME_TRAVEL_TABLE (ID NUMBER) DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS =20; Later you dropped the schema. In this scenario what data retention value will be honored for the table, if we need to retrieve the table data A. 10 B. 20 C. 30View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-time-travel.html#dropped-containers-and-object-retention-inh eritance Dropped Containers and Object...
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE TIME_TRAVEL_SCHEMA.TIME_TRAVEL_TABLE (ID NUMBER) DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS =20; Later you dropped the schema. In this scenario what data retention value will be honored for the table, if we need to retrieve the table data A. 10 B. 20 C. 30View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-time-travel.html#dropped-containers-and-object-retention-inh eritance Dropped Containers and Object...
A stream contains table data
A stream contains table dataA . True B. FalseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation Note that a stream itself does not contain any table data. A stream only stores an offset for the source table and returns CDC records by leveraging the versioning history for the source table. When the first stream...
Which of the below function can a task use to see whether a stream contains change data for a table?
Which of the below function can a task use to see whether a stream contains change data for a table?A . SYSTEM$STREAM_HAS_DATA B. SYSTEM#STREAM_HAS_DATA C. SYSTEM_HAS_STREAM_DATAView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation Whenever a TASK is used to ingest data from stream and then perform a DML operation, it is a best practice...
Which class in the snowflake.connector.converter_null module do you use for this feature?
In order to improve query perfromance, you can bypass data conversions from the Snowflake internal data type to the native Python data type. Which class in the snowflake.connector.converter_null module do you use for this feature?A . SnowflakeNoConverterToPython B. PythonNoConverterToSnowflake C. ByPassDataConversionView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/python-connector-example.html#improving-query-performance-by-bypassing-data-conversion To improve query performance, use...
CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE TIME_TRAVEL_SCHEMA.TIME_TRAVEL_TABLE (ID NUMBER) DATA_RETENTION_TIME_IN_DAYS =20; Later you dropped the schema. In this scenario what data retention value will be honored for the table, if we need to retrieve the table data A. 10 B. 20 C. 30View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/data-time-travel.html#dropped-containers-and-object-retention-inh eritance Dropped Containers and Object...
Please Answer Questions Follow The Prompts Below
; call sp1(); SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE ORDER BY ID;A . 1 MOHAN 2 RON B. 1 MOHAN 2 RON 3 RANJAN C. 1 MOHAN 3 RANJAN D. 1 MOHANView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation https://docs.snowflake.com/en/sql-reference/transactions.html#scoped-transactions Scoped Transactions A stored procedure that contains a transaction can be called from within another transaction....
If the temporary directory is not explicitly set, what does the connector use?
The snowflake connector for Python uses a temporary directory to store data for loading and unloading(PUT,GET) as well as other types of temporary data. If the temporary directory is not explicitly set, what does the connector use?A . System's default temporary directory(i.e; /tmp, c:TEMP) B. System creates a temporary directory...