Which of the following statements are true of VALIDATION_MODE in Snowflake? (Choose two.)
Which of the following statements are true of VALIDATION_MODE in Snowflake? (Choose two.)A . The validation_mode option is used when creating an Internal StageB . validation_mode=return_all_errors is a parameter of the copy commandC . The validation_mode option will validate data to be loaded by the copy statement while completing the...
Which Snowflake object enables loading data from files as soon as they are available in a cloud storage location?
Which Snowflake object enables loading data from files as soon as they are available in a cloud storage location?A . PipeB . External stageC . TaskD . StreamView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Snowpipe enables loading data from files as soon as they’re available in a stage. This means you can load...
Which is true of Snowflake network policies? A Snowflake network policy: (Choose two.)
Which is true of Snowflake network policies? A Snowflake network policy: (Choose two.)A . Is available to all Snowflake EditionsB . Is only available to customers with Business Critical EditionC . Restricts or enables access to specific IP addressesD . Is activated using an “ALTER DATABASE” commandView AnswerAnswer: A,C Explanation:...
Which application will the Snowflake users need to install on their devices in order to connect with MFA?
A company strongly encourages all Snowflake users to self-enroll in Snowflake's default Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) service to provide increased login security for users connecting to Snowflake. Which application will the Snowflake users need to install on their devices in order to connect with MFA?A . Okta VerifyB . Duo MobileC...
What are the default Time Travel and Fail-safe retention periods for transient tables?
What are the default Time Travel and Fail-safe retention periods for transient tables?A . Time Travel - 1 day. Fail-safe - 1 dayB . Time Travel - 0 days. Fail-safe - 1 dayC . Time Travel - 1 day. Fail-safe - 0 daysD . Transient tables are retained in neither...
The number of queries that a Virtual Warehouse can concurrently process is determined by: Choose 2 answers
The number of queries that a Virtual Warehouse can concurrently process is determined by: Choose 2 answersA . The complexity of each queryB . The CONCURRENT_QUERY_UMIT parameter set on the Snowflake accountC . The size of the data required for each queryD . The tool that s executing the queryView...
Which of the following are benefits of micro-partitioning? (Select TWO)
Which of the following are benefits of micro-partitioning? (Select TWO)A . Micro-partitions cannot overlap in their range of valuesB . Micro-partitions are immutable objects that support the use of Time Travel.C . Micro-partitions can reduce the amount of I/O from object storage to virtual warehousesD . Rows are automatically stored...
True or False: It is possible to query data from an Internal or named External stage without loading the data into Snowflake.
True or False: It is possible to query data from an Internal or named External stage without loading the data into Snowflake.A . TrueB . FalseView AnswerAnswer: A
What is the minimum Snowflake edition that provides data sharing?
What is the minimum Snowflake edition that provides data sharing?A . StandardB . PremierC . EnterpriseD . Business Critical EditionView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/intro-editions.html#data-sharing
A virtual warehouse's auto-suspend and auto-resume settings apply to which of the following?
A virtual warehouse's auto-suspend and auto-resume settings apply to which of the following?A . The primary cluster in the virtual warehouseB . The entire virtual warehouseC . The database in which the virtual warehouse residesD . The Queries currently being run on the virtual warehouseView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses-overview.html#:~:text=Similarly%2C%20auto%2Dresume%20ensures%20that,individual% 20clusters%20in%20the%20warehouse.