What should they do to ensure this occurs?

A developer creates templates and adds standard values; items created from the templates should automatically have the Title field populated with the name of the item. What should they do to ensure this occurs?A . Set $name token in the new item's content Title field.B . Add sname token to...

September 21, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following tasks are performed by the publishing pipeline to create an accurate snapshot of the content available for publishing from the Content Management instance? Select all that apply.

Which of the following tasks are performed by the publishing pipeline to create an accurate snapshot of the content available for publishing from the Content Management instance? Select all that apply.A . Calculating additional entities to publishB . Calculating dependenciesC . Archiving expired contentD . Resolving dependenciesView AnswerAnswer: A, B,...

September 18, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which steps are required to add a new language in XM Cloud?

A developer wants to add a new language to a headless SXA site. Which steps are required to add a new language in XM Cloud?A . Install a language pack on the Content Management instance and then add the language in /sitecore/system/languages.B . Add language in /sitecore/system/languages. Then, on the...

September 16, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which approach should they take to achieve this using XM Cloud's content architecture?

A multinational clothing company wants to create a structured online presence for its various brands and countries. They want to ensure that the different brands and countries have their own dedicated content within the same Sitecore instance. Which approach should they take to achieve this using XM Cloud's content architecture?A...

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +

A multinational clothing company wants to create regional sites for its online presence. Each site would follow the same branding but have unique content per region. The content architecture requires a site per region. Of the options presented below, which is the most efficient approach to deploy the rendering host?

A multinational clothing company wants to create regional sites for its online presence. Each site would follow the same branding but have unique content per region. The content architecture requires a site per region. Of the options presented below, which is the most efficient approach to deploy the rendering host?A...

September 13, 2024No CommentsREAD MORE +