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Should Economic Appraisals be prepared for the best and final offers for the discarded service providers on the short list?

The best and final offers have been returned for the delivery of the new campus. The preferred supplier was Piaffeco, which was the same supplier that delivered the neighbouring Marshgate High School.

Should Economic Appraisals be prepared for the best and final offers for the discarded service providers on the short list?
A . No, because only the public sector comparator (PSC) should be updated in light of knowledge gained from the procurement.
B . No, because updating the FBC with best and final offers should be done as part of the Commercial Case.
C . Yes, because the reasons for rejecting potential service providers from the long list to the short list stage should be provided.
D . Yes, because the FBC should provide Economic Appraisals for all options.

Answer: B

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