What is one of the questions the Product Management team must answer in order to create a Vision?

What is one of the questions the Product Management team must answer in order to create a Vision?A . How many Features have already been released to the Customer B. Which themes are on the Roadmap C. Which problem will the Solution solveView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/vision/

May 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What can help with this practice?

SAFe recommends separating deployment from release. What can help with this practice?A . Use a staging environment that mimics the development environment B. Release new functionality to end users as soon as it is deployed to production C. Hide all new functionality under Feature togglesView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more:...

May 23, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What is the relationship between a Product Owner (PO) and Product Management (PM)?

What is the relationship between a Product Owner (PO) and Product Management (PM)?A . The PM creates Solution Roadmaps that the PO evolves into PI Roadmaps B. The PO is team-oriented; PM is market-oriented C. The PM writes all Features; the PO writes all StoriesView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Read more:...

May 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which of the following should always attend an Agile Team's Iteration Review?

Which of the following should always attend an Agile Team's Iteration Review?A . The team’s Product Owner B. The Release Train Engineer C. All Business OwnersView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/iteration-review/

May 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

In the SAFe work item hierarchy, Epics are decomposed into what?

In the SAFe work item hierarchy, Epics are decomposed into what?A . Stories B. Features C. CapabilitiesView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/features-and-capabilities/

May 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Who typically participates as the ART's Business Owners to approve the team’s PI Objectives?

Who typically participates as the ART's Business Owners to approve the team’s PI Objectives?A . Product Owners B. System Architects C. Product ManagementView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/product-management/

May 22, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

An Agile Release Train at an insurance company delivers ongoing enhancements to the internal systems used for managing claims. This is an example of what kind of Value Stream?

An Agile Release Train at an insurance company delivers ongoing enhancements to the internal systems used for managing claims. This is an example of what kind of Value Stream?A . Claims processing Value Stream B. Development Value Stream C. Operational Value StreamView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/development-value-streams/

May 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

How do SAFe Continuous Delivery Pipeline activities map to the teams’ work each Iteration within the Program Increment (PI)?

How do SAFe Continuous Delivery Pipeline activities map to the teams’ work each Iteration within the Program Increment (PI)?A . Early Iterations focus on exploring, the later Iterations focus on integrating and deploying, and releasing B. Each Iteration in the PI, teams are exploring, integrating, deploying, but releasing only occurs...

May 21, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

What are two examples of team-level events? (Choose two.)

What are two examples of team-level events? (Choose two.)A . System Demo B. Daily stand-up C. Program Increment Planning D. Backlog refinementView AnswerAnswer: B,D Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/agile-teams/

May 20, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +

Which statement is true about the SAFe backlog model?

Which statement is true about the SAFe backlog model?A . Features are in the Program Backlog B. Capabilities are in the Program Backlog C. Stories are in the Solution BacklogView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Read more: https://www.scaledagileframework.com/program-and-solution-backlogs/

May 20, 2023No CommentsREAD MORE +