Which one of the following options displays the value of a macro variable in the SAS log?
Which one of the following options displays the value of a macro variable in the SAS log?A . MACROB . SOURCEC . SOURCE2D . SYMBOLGENView AnswerAnswer: D
What are the names of all of the columns created by the TRANSPOSE procedure?
The SAS data set ONE contains the variables X,Y,Z and W. The following SAS program is submitted: Proc transpose data =one Out=trans Name=new; By x; var y; run; What are the names of all of the columns created by the TRANSPOSE procedure?A . new, X, Y and _COL1_B . new,...
What is the result of the MPRINT options?
The following SAS program is submitted: options mprint; %macro test(parm); proc &parm data = sashelp.prdsale; run; %mend; %test(print) What is the result of the MPRINT options?A . It has no effect in this exampleB . It writes the original program code inside the marco definition to the SAS logC ....
Which one of the following SAS procedures changes a permanent format of a variable stored in a SAS data set?
Which one of the following SAS procedures changes a permanent format of a variable stored in a SAS data set?A . MODIFYB . FORMATC . CONTENTSD . DATASETSView AnswerAnswer: D
Which one of the following statements stores the value 567 in the macro variable CODENUM?
Given the following SAS statement: %let idcode = Prod567; Which one of the following statements stores the value 567 in the macro variable CODENUM?A . %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-2);B . %let codenum = substr(&idcode,length(&idcode)-3);C . %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-2);D . %let codenum = %substr(&idcode,%length(&idcode)-3);View AnswerAnswer: C
What impact does the ARRAY statement have in the program Data vector (PDV)?
The following SAS program is submitted: data temp: array points {2,3} (10,15,20,25,30,35); run; What impact does the ARRAY statement have in the program Data vector (PDV)?A . The variables named POINTS10, POINTS15, POINTS20, POINTS25, POINTS30, POINTS35 are created in the PDVB . No variables are created in the PDVC ....
Which one of the following statements submitted at the beginning of a SAS session assigns the value Tuesday, July 23, 2002 to the macro variable START?
Assume today is Tuesday, July 23, 2002. Which one of the following statements submitted at the beginning of a SAS session assigns the value Tuesday, July 23, 2002 to the macro variable START?A . %let start = today(),weekdate.;B . %let start = today(),format=weekdate.;C . %let start = %sysfunc(today(),weekdate.);D . %let...
Which one of the following is the value of the automatic macro variable SYSLAST?
The following SAS code is submitted: %macro houses(dsn = houses,sub = RANCH); data &dsn; set sasuser.houses; if style = "¬"; run; %mend; %houses(sub = SPLIT) %houses(dsn = ranch) %houses(sub = TWOSTORY) Which one of the following is the value of the automatic macro variable SYSLAST?A . work.ranchB . work.housesC ....
What is the result?
At the start of a new SAS session; the following program is submitted: %macro one; data _null_; call symput('proc','measn); run; proc &proc data=sashelp.class; run; %mend; %one() What is the result?A . The marco variable PRCO is stored in the SAS catalog WORB . SASMACRC . The program fails to execute...
Which one of the following reports is generated?
Given the following SAS data sets ONE and TWO: ONE TWO NUM COUNTRY NUM CITY 1 CANADA 3 BERLIN 2 FRANCE 5 TOKYO 3 GERMANY 4 BELGIUM 5 JAPAN The following SAS program is submitted: proc sql; select country from one where not exists (select * from two where one.num...