Which statement is true about the output dataset?

The following SAS program is submitted: data WORK.ACCOUNTING; set WORK.DEPARTMENT; label Jobcode='Job Description'; run; Which statement is true about the output dataset?A . The label of the variable Jobcode is Job (only the first word). B. The label of the variable Jobcode is Job Desc (only the first 8 characters)....

September 17, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully?

The following SAS program is submitted: data temp.x; set sasuser.y; run; What must be submitted prior to this SAS program for the program to execute successfully?A . A LIBNAME statement for the libref TEMP only must be submitted. B. A LIBNAME statement for the libref SASUSER only must be submitted....

September 17, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the purpose or the MISSOVER option on the INFILE statement?

What is the purpose or the MISSOVER option on the INFILE statement?A . It prevents SAS from loading a new record when the end of the current record is reached. B. It enables SAS to scan the input data records until the character string that is specified in the @‘character-string’...

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which statement is true?

The SAS data set named WORK.SALARY contains 10 observations for each department, and is currently ordered by Department. The following SAS program is submitted: Which statement is true?A . The by statement in the DATA step causes a syntax error. B. The statement Payroll+(MonthlyWageRate*12); in the data step causes a...

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION?

The following SAS program is submitted: data test; set chemists; jobcode = ‘Chem2’ then description = ‘Senior Chemist’; else description = ‘Unknown’; run; The value for the variable JOBCODE is: JOBCODE ------------- chem2 What is the value of the variable DESCRIPTION?A . chem2 B. Unknown C. Senior Chemist D. ‘...

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which statement correctly assigns a library reference to the Excel workbook?

The Excel workbook QTR1.XLS contains the following three worksheets: JAN FEB MAR Which statement correctly assigns a library reference to the Excel workbook?A . libname qtrdata 'qtr1.xls'; B. libname 'qtr1.xls' sheets=3; C. libname jan feb mar 'qtr1.xls'; D. libname mydata 'qtr1.xls' WORK.heets=(jan,feb,mar);View AnswerAnswer: A

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is written to the output raw data file?

Given the SAS data set PEPM.STUDENTS: PERM.STUDENTS NAME AGE Alfred 14 Alice13 Barbara13 Carol14 The following SAS program is submitted: libname perm ‘SAS data library’; data students; set perm. Students; file ‘file specification’; put name $15. @5 age 2.; run; What is written to the output raw data file?A ....

September 16, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

How are the observations sorted?

Given the SAS data set WORKAWARDS: WORK.AWARDS FNAMEPOINTSMONTH ---------------------------------- Amy24 Amy17 Gerard33 Wang33 Wang112 Wang18 The following SAS program is submitted: proc sort data = work.awards; by descending fname points; run; How are the observations sorted?A . ENAME POINTS MONTH Wang33 Wang112 Wang18 Gerard33 Amy24 Amy17 B. ENAME POINTS MONTH...

September 15, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which option correctly completes the program and creates the report?

00100.00 Total10100.00 Which option correctly completes the program and creates the report?A . LIST B. NOCOLS C. CROSSLIST D. NOCROSSTABView AnswerAnswer: C

September 15, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is written to the output raw data file?

Given the SAS data set PEPM.STUDENTS: PERM.STUDENTS NAME AGE Alfred 14 Alice13 Barbara13 Carol14 The following SAS program is submitted: libname perm ‘SAS data library’; data students; set perm. Students; file ‘file specification’; put name $15. @5 age 2.; run; What is written to the output raw data file?A ....

September 15, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +