How can you achive a feasible production plan in case of capacity constraints?
How can you achive a feasible production plan in case of capacity constraints?A . Select an alternative mode on a resource. B. Adjust the available capacity. C. Reduce the planning window D. Form optimum sequence to reduce setup times E. Execute an infinite production planning runView AnswerAnswer: A,B,D
What could be the reason for multiple commitment of invidula capacities, where several operations have the same scheduled dates on a work center (or resource) after planing?
What could be the reason for multiple commitment of invidula capacities, where several operations have the same scheduled dates on a work center (or resource) after planing?A . The work center has several invidula capacities. B. The finite Scheduling indicator is NOT set in the strategy profile. C. The Change...
How does the system choose the production version?
During production order creation, several valid production versions are found . How does the system choose the production version?A . Planned order or material number B. Valid period or sale order C. Alphanumeric or quota arrangement D. Lot size or material costView AnswerAnswer: C
For a production version to be valid and consistent what requirements must be fulfilled?
For a production version to be valid and consistent what requirements must be fulfilled?A . The assigned routing and bill of materials (BOM) must be valid in the entire validity period. B. The assigned routing must NOT have alternative sequences. C. The deletion flag must NOT be set for the...
What does the material type influence?
What does the material type influence?A . Which plant specific status is allowed B . Which material master views can be maintained C . Which document types are allowed D. Whether the material is produced in-house, procured externally or bouthView AnswerAnswer: B,D
What type of time element can be reduced by strategy settings while dispatching?
What type of time element can be reduced by strategy settings while dispatching?A . Transportation time B. Wait time C. Queue time D. Setup timeView AnswerAnswer: B,C
For what production type are production orders used?
For what production type are production orders used?A . Process manufacturing processes B. Replenishment controlled by control cycles C. Discrete manufacturing processes D. Period and quantity-oriented productionView AnswerAnswer: C
Which business process will be affected if the available stock is zero and the discontinuation date is in the past?
You have maintained the parameters for simple discontinuation in the material master of a component . Which business process will be affected if the available stock is zero and the discontinuation date is in the past?A . Production order release B. Material requirements planning C. Backflushing D. KanbanView AnswerAnswer: B
Which settings have to be made for this?
You want to use capacity availability checks for production orders . Which settings have to be made for this?A . A checking rule must be assigned in the checking control B. The PRT Availability Check must be set in the checking control. C. An overall profile must be assigned in...
Why would you use phantom assemblies?
Why would you use phantom assemblies?A . To simplify the structure of bills of materials B. To make the assignment of components easier C. To reduce the number of changes required in bills of materials D. To reduce the number of material masters E. To increase the number of planning...