How do you debug a Node.js module in SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA?
How do you debug a Node.js module in SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA?A . Start the debugger from the XS Command Line interface and run the program in SAP Web IDE for SAP U HANAB . Set the enabled parameter to true in the section debugger of the xsengine.ini...
Which module type do you create in your application project?
Your multi-target application will use XSJS. Which module type do you create in your application project? Please choose the correct answer.A . SAP HANA databaseB . HTML5C . JavaD . Node.jsView AnswerAnswer: D
To perform a specific task of an XS advanced application, what does a user need? Please choose the correct answer.
To perform a specific task of an XS advanced application, what does a user need? Please choose the correct answer.A . To have directly assigned a ScopeB . To have directly assigned a Role CollectionC . To be assigned to a SpaceD . To be assigned to an OrganizationView AnswerAnswer:...
Which activities do you perform with the Applications tool of SAP HANA XS Advanced Cockpit? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Which activities do you perform with the Applications tool of SAP HANA XS Advanced Cockpit? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.A . Monitor applications assigned to the current space.B . View system resources used by each instance.C . Identify SAP HANA applications which are pinned to spaces.D...
Which file type do you create?
You need to initially load data from a .CSV file into a Core Data Services table in SAP HANA extended application services; advanced model (XS advanced). Which file type do you create?A . A file with extension .hdbtiB . A file with extension .hdbtabledataC . A file with extension .hdbtableD...
Which services can you use in SAP HANA 2.0, express edition? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
Which services can you use in SAP HANA 2.0, express edition? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.A . Text analyticsB . Dynamic tieringC . System replicationD . Columnar OLTP and OLAPE . Multi-core and parallelizationView AnswerAnswer: A,D,E
Which of the following absolute binding paths are valid?
Please review the JSON model in the screenshot. Which of the following absolute binding paths are valid? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. {company: {name: "ACME", info: {employees:3}, contacts: [{name: "Barbara", phone: "873"},{name: "Gerry", phone: '"734"}]}}A . /contacts/0/nameB . /company/nameC . /company/contacts/2/phoneD . /company/info/employeesE . /company/contacts/1/nameView AnswerAnswer:...
What must you do?
You need to debug a Node.js application using SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA. What must you do? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question. A. Open the debugger. B. Attach debugger to the node module. C. Specify the proper GIT repository in the debug properties. D. Set...
What statement must you insert to the following OData service to complete the navigation definition from the customer entity set to the corresponding sales orders?
What statement must you insert to the following OData service to complete the navigation definition from the customer entity set to the corresponding sales orders? Service{ "sample.odata;; customer" as "Customer" navigates ("Customer_Orders" as "toOrders");"sample.odata: salesorders" as "Orders";}A . Key specificationB . AggregationC . Join conditionD . AssociationView AnswerAnswer: D
To comply with the SAP Fiori principles, which view type is recommended by SAP?
To comply with the SAP Fiori principles, which view type is recommended by SAP?A . JSONB . XMLC . HTMLD . JavaScriptView AnswerAnswer: B