Form or Form Handler? I need data de-duplication in the CRM.
Form or Form Handler? I need data de-duplication in the CRM.A . FormB . Form HandlerView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Marketing Cloud Account Engagement forms are the best option if you need data de-duplication in the CRM, such as Salesforce. Marketing Cloud Account Engagement forms can automatically match and update existing...
What information cannot be displayed as a graph (line or bar) on the dashboard?
What information cannot be displayed as a graph (line or bar) on the dashboard?A . Prospects CreatedB . ConversionsC . Opportunities CreatedD . Opportunities LostE . All ProspectsView AnswerAnswer: A, B Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, the information that cannot be displayed as a graph (line or bar) on...
Which feature should they use?
A Marketing Cloud Account Engagement administrator wants to gather a prospect's company name and Job title, but only once they have captured prospect's first name, last name and email address in a previous form submission. Which feature should they use?A . Progressive ProfilingB . Always display even if previously completedC...
What will happen if the prospect is removed from the suppression list?
After a prospect completes steps 1-5 of a 10-step engagement studio program, the prospect is added to one of the engagement studio program’s suppression lists. What will happen if the prospect is removed from the suppression list?A . The prospect will begin the engagement studio program again on step 1.B...
How can a prospect's score be changed?
How can a prospect's score be changed?A . Through automation rules.B . Through scoring model changes.C . Through completion actions.D . All of the above.View AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: According to the Salesforce documentation, a prospect’s score can be changed through automation rules, scoring model changes, or completion actions. A prospect’s...
Identify three webinar connectors for Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
Identify three webinar connectors for Marketing Cloud Account EngagementA . ReadyTalk, GoTo Webinar, WebExB . WebEx, JoinMe, GoTo WebinarC . Zoho, WebEx, ReadyTalkD . Adobe Connect, Lync, BlueJeansView AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: Marketing Cloud Account Engagement has native webinar connectors for ReadyTalk, GoToWebinar, and WebEx. These connectors allow you to sync...
Which two components are required to achieve this?
A user wants to set up an automated grading model in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. Which two components are required to achieve this? Choose 2 answersA . ProfileB . Automation RuleC . Marketing Cloud Account Engagement ScoreD . Dynamic ListView AnswerAnswer: A, B Explanation: According to the [Salesforce documentation], in...
What happens to the prospect?
A prospect is permanently deleted from Marketing Cloud Account Engagement. That prospect then fills out a new Marketing Cloud Account Engagement form and submits their information. What happens to the prospect?A . An error message is displayed on the form preventing the prospect from submittingB . A new prospect is...
What is the difference between a visitor and a prospect?
What is the difference between a visitor and a prospect?A . A prospect has an identified email address, while a visitor does not have an identified email address.B . A prospect has an opportunity associated with it. while a visitor does not have an opportunity associated with it.C . A...
What is needed for a page action to trigger for a prospect visiting a high value web page?
What is needed for a page action to trigger for a prospect visiting a high value web page?A . Create an automation rule based on the specific webpage.B . Add a completion action on the landing page.C . Adding a page action and Marketing Cloud Account Engagement tracking code on...