Which code executes sayHello once, two minutes from now?

Refer to the code below: let sayHello = () => { console.log (‘Hello, world!’); }; Which code executes sayHello once, two minutes from now?A . setTimeout(sayHello, 12000); B. setInterval(sayHello, 12000); C. setTimeout(sayHello(), 12000); D. delay(sayHello, 12000);View AnswerAnswer: A

September 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two methods are used to address this?

In the browser, the window object is often used to assign variables that require the broadest scope in an application Node.js application does not have access to the window object by default. Which two methods are used to address this? Choose 2 answersA . Use the document object instead of...

September 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is displayed when the code executes?

Refer to code below: Let a =’a’; Let b; // b = a; console.log(b); What is displayed when the code executes?A . ReferenceError: b is not defined B. A C. Undefined D. NullView AnswerAnswer: C

September 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two options could a developer insert at the placeholder in line 02 to achieve this?

Refer to the code below: const event = new CustomEvent( //Missing Code ); obj.dispatchEvent(event); A developer needs to dispatch a custom event called update to send information about recordId. Which two options could a developer insert at the placeholder in line 02 to achieve this? Choose 2 answersA . ‘Update’,...

September 22, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Given the code above, which three properties are set for pet1?

Refer to the code: Given the code above, which three properties are set for pet1? Choose 3 answersA . name B. owner C. type D. canTalk E. sizeView AnswerAnswer: C,D,E

September 21, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which two frameworks should the lead developer advocate for?

A developer is leading the creation of a new browser application that will serve a single page application. The team wants to use a new web framework Minimalsit.js. The Lead developer wants to advocate for a more seasoned web framework that already has a community around it. Which two frameworks...

September 21, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which option is a core Node,js module?

Which option is a core Node,js module?A . Path B. Ios C. Memory D. locateView AnswerAnswer: A

September 21, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Considering type coercion, what does the following expression evaluate to?

Considering type coercion, what does the following expression evaluate to? True + ‘13’ + NaNA . ‘ 113Nan ’ B. 14 C. ‘ true13 ’ D. ‘ true13NaN ’View AnswerAnswer: D

September 21, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which option makes the code work as expected?

A developer is required to write a function that calculates the sum of elements in an array but is getting undefined every time the code is executed. The developer needs to find what is missing in the code below. Const sumFunction = arr => { Return arr.reduce((result, current) => {...

September 20, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which value can a developer expect when referencing country,capital,cityString?

Refer to the code below: Which value can a developer expect when referencing country,capital,cityString?A . 'London' B. undefined C. An error D. 'NaN'View AnswerAnswer: D

September 20, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +