What is the correct way to create a user?
Refer to the exhibit. What is the correct way to create a user? A) B) C) D) A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: B
What is the method to capture both payloads so the payload from the second request does not overwrite that from the first?
A flow needs to combine and return data from two different data sources. It contains a Database SELECT operation followed by an HTTP Request operation. What is the method to capture both payloads so the payload from the second request does not overwrite that from the first?A . Put the...
What values are accessible in the child flow after a web client submits a request to http://localhost:8Q81/order? color=red?
Refer to the exhibit. The main flow contains a Flow Reference for the child flow. What values are accessible in the child flow after a web client submits a request to http://localhost:8Q81/order? color=red?A . payloadB . payload quantity varC . payload color query paramD . payload quantity var color query...
What message value should be added to the Logger component to output the message 'The year is 2020', without hardcoding 2020?
Refer to the exhibits. The Set Payload transformer's value is set to {'year': '2020'}. What message value should be added to the Logger component to output the message 'The year is 2020', without hardcoding 2020?A . '#[The year is $(pay load .year)]*B . The year is #[payload.year]'C . '#[The year...
What should be changed in the request so that a success response code is returned to the web client?
Refer to the exhibits. The web client sends a POST request to the ACME Order API with an XML payload. An error is returned. What should be changed in the request so that a success response code is returned to the web client?A . Set a request header with the...
Refer to the exhibit.
Refer to the exhibit. What is the output payload in the On Complete phaseA . summary statistics with NO record dataB . The records processed by the last batch step: [StepTwol, StepTwo2, StepTwo3]C . The records processed by all batch steps: [StepTwostepOnel, stepTwostepOne2, StepTwoStepOne3]D . The original payload: [1,2,31View AnswerAnswer:...
How should the listener be configured so it retrieves each row at most one time?
A Database On Table Row listener retrieves data from a CUSTOMER table that contains a primary key userjd column and an increasing kxjin_date_time column. Neither column allows duplicate values. How should the listener be configured so it retrieves each row at most one time?A . Set the watermark column to...
What export options create the smallest deployable archive that will successfully deploy to CloudHub?
A Mule project contains a MySQL Database dependency. The project is exported from Anypoint Studio so it can be deployed to CloudHub. What export options create the smallest deployable archive that will successfully deploy to CloudHub? A) B) C) D) A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD...
What is valid text to set the field in the Database connector configuration to the username value specified in the config.yaml file?
Refer to the exhibits. What is valid text to set the field in the Database connector configuration to the username value specified in the config.yaml file?A . ${db.username>B . #[db.username]C . #[db:username]D . ${db:username>View AnswerAnswer: A Explanation: option 3 is the correct syntz to access application properties
What Database expression transforms the input to the output?
Refer to the exhibit. What Database expression transforms the input to the output? A) B) C) D) A . Option AB . Option BC . Option CD . Option DView AnswerAnswer: B