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processes executed on Salesforce require data updates between the internal systems and Salesforce Which three relevant details should a Salesforce Integration Architect seek to specifically solve for Integration architecture needs of the program?

A new Salesforce program has the following high level abstract requirement: Business

processes executed on Salesforce require data updates between the internal systems and Salesforce Which three relevant details should a Salesforce Integration Architect seek to specifically solve for Integration architecture needs of the program?

Which three relevant details should a Salesforce Integration Architect seek to specifically solve for Integration architecture needs of the program? Choose 3 answers
A . Source and Target system, Directionality, data volume & transformation complexity long with any middleware that can be leveraged.
B. Integration skills, SME availability and Program Governance details.
C. Timing aspects – real-time/near real-time (synchronous or asynchronous), batch; update frequency.
D. Integration Style Process based, Data based, Virtual integration.
E. Core functional and non functional requirements for User Experience design, Encryption needs, Community, and license choices.

Answer: A,C,D

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