Which of the following BE ST describes an aspect of the continuous deployment pipeline that a release engineer can influence beyond the technical aspects of a feature or application release?

Which of the following BE ST describes an aspect of the continuous deployment pipeline that a release engineer can influence beyond the technical aspects of a feature or application release?A . Self-service model B. Policies and procedures C. High velocity D. Hermetic buildsView AnswerAnswer: B

November 1, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

In an laaS cloud service model who is responsible for managing me visualization laver?

In an laaS cloud service model who is responsible for managing me visualization laver?A . Cloud provider B. Data analyst C. Customer representative D. Technical specialistView AnswerAnswer: A

November 1, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which one of the following statements regarding working capital management is not correct?

Which one of the following statements regarding working capital management is not correct?A . An attempt to minimize carrying costs and shortage costs associated with inventory levels is an objective of working capital management B. The cash, inventory accounts payable and accounts receivable components of working capital are constantly changing...

November 1, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Whichof the following is the BEST example of the DevOps ideal‘’locality and simplicity"?

Whichof the following is the BEST example of the DevOps ideal‘’locality and simplicity"?A . increase the feedback loops in the process and give teams the resources they need to fix problems. B. Focus on the resources within the team's scope of control and design loosely coupled services. C. Understand what...

October 31, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

What is the BEST reason fix maintaining a constant state of deployment readiness?

What is the BEST reason fix maintaining a constant state of deployment readiness?A . To enable it staff to test their deployment capacity B. To allow the IT team to respond quickly to the business C. To iteratively build features into a deployable increment D. To utilize the automated provisioning...

October 30, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

SRE teams modernize the traditional IT Ops role

SRE teams modernize the traditional IT Ops roleA . 1 and 2 B. 2 and 3 C. 3 and 4 D. 1 and 4View AnswerAnswer: A

October 29, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which of the following BE ST describes an aspect of the continuous deployment pipeline that a release engineer can influence beyond the technical aspects of a feature or application release?

Which of the following BE ST describes an aspect of the continuous deployment pipeline that a release engineer can influence beyond the technical aspects of a feature or application release?A . Self-service model B. Policies and procedures C. High velocity D. Hermetic buildsView AnswerAnswer: B

October 29, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +

Which statement BEST describes the basic concepts of a clue/green deployment?

Which statement BEST describes the basic concepts of a clue/green deployment?A . A deployment is made where a set of features are hidden from users until tested and confirmed successful B. A deployment is made to a pilotuser group for feedback and confirmation before it is made production viable C....

October 28, 2022 No Comments READ MORE +