OutSystems Associate Reactive Developer Associate Reactive Developer (OutSystems 11)Exam Online Training
OutSystems Associate Reactive Developer Online Training
The questions for Associate Reactive Developer were last updated at Mar 08,2025.
- Exam Code: Associate Reactive Developer
- Exam Name: Associate Reactive Developer (OutSystems 11)Exam
- Certification Provider: OutSystems
- Latest update: Mar 08,2025
Consider the following Server Action.
What happens if the GetEmployeeById (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q5JfXEu9L5OsY017HLrMbI8ZIsRl8BJ3/view?usp=sharing) Aggregate does not return any record?
- A . The DatabaseException flow is executed.
- B . The RecordNotFound flow is executed.
- C . No exception flow is executed.
- D . The module’s global exception handler is executed.
Which of the following options is correct, when implementing pagination with Tables or Lists?
- A . The Max Records property of the Pagination holds the number of records to show per page.
- B . The Start Index property of the Pagination holds the current page number.
- C . The Total Count input of the Pagination pattern should be set to the number of records per U page.
Considering that we can add several filters to an Aggregate, which of the following options is false?
- A . Filters are concatenated with the AND operator.
- B . A record is included in the output if it matches at least one of the filters.
- C . Logical operators and some built-in functions can be used inside filters.
- D . All filters are translated to SQL and included in the WHERE clause.
Considering the following Aggregate (https://drive.google.com/file/d/11tUfXgUASyo932VISD6nB4Xmho342ZNn/view?usp=sharing), what will be the attributes of the GetOrdersShippingState.List.Current record?
- A . The two aggregation attributes: ShippingState and Count.
- B . The two aggregation attributes (ShippingState and Count) plus all the attributes of the Source Entity.
- C . Six attributes corresponding to the six visible columns in the Aggregate: ShippingState, Count, Description, DueDate, CreatedOn and Priority.
- D . The two aggregation attributes (ShippingState and Count) plus the columns used to calculate these aggregations.
Consider an Aggregate with the Fetch property set to Only On Demand. When does that Aggregate run?
- A . Automatically, when the Aggregates set to run "At Start" finish.
- B . Programmatically, using a Server Action.
- C . Programmatically, using a Refresh Data node in a Screen Action.
- D . Automatically, when the Screen is initializing.
When consuming a REST service, what callback action should be used to customize a request sent to the external service?
- A . On Consume
- B . On Before Request
- C . On After Response
- D . On REST Request
OutSystems provides a built-in application to create and manage users and their roles in applications…
- A . The UserMgmt application.
- B . The Users application.
- C . The Enterprise application.
- D . The Company application.
In Rich Widgets, the List_Navigation widget …
- A . Is a navigator for a Table Records with multiple pages, showing a defined number of elements per page.
- B . Is a navigator for a Form with multiple pages, showing a defined number of elements per page.
When the user submits data in a Form to the server…
- A . a Screen Action runs with the data from the Form as Input parameter.
- B . .. the Preparation runs then the Screen Action runs.
- C . . the data is stored in the Form’s Record implicit variable.
- D . . the data in the Form is only available in the Preparation.
During the 1-Click Publish, your application data model, code, and interface is compiled and generates .NET code, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. True or False?
- A . False
- B . True