Out of the following, what is not needed to specify in defect report?

Out of the following, what is not needed to specify in defect report?
A . How to fix the defect
B . Severity and priority
C . Test environment details
D . How to reproduce the defect

Answer: A


How to fix the defect is not needed to specify in a defect report because it is not part of the information that is required to describe, reproduce, and prioritize the defect.

How to fix the defect is part of the solution or resolution that is provided by the developers or maintainers who are responsible for correcting the defect. A defect report is a document that records and communicates the details of a defect found during testing. A defect report typically includes the following information:

Defect ID: A unique identifier for the defect

Summary: A brief description of the defect

Severity and priority: An indication of how serious and urgent the defect is

Test environment details: A description of the hardware, software, network, data, tools, etc., that were used when the defect was found

How to reproduce the defect: A step-by-step procedure to recreate the defect

Expected and actual results: A comparison of what should have happened and what actually happened when the defect occurred

Attachments: Any additional information or evidence that can help understand or resolve the defect, such as screenshots, logs, files, etc.

You can find more information about defect reports in [A Study Guide to the ISTQB® Foundation Level 2018 Syllabus], Chapter 5.

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