On which of the following pages can the analyst write and execute SQL queries?

A data analyst has recently joined a new team that uses Databricks SQL, but the analyst has never used Databricks before. The analyst wants to know where in Databricks SQL they can write and execute SQL queries.

On which of the following pages can the analyst write and execute SQL queries?
A . Data page
B . Dashboards page
C . Queries page
D . Alerts page
E . SQL Editor page

Answer: E


The SQL Editor page is where the analyst can write and execute SQL queries in Databricks SQL. The SQL Editor page has a query pane where the analyst can type or paste SQL statements, and a results pane where the analyst can view the query results in a table or a chart. The analyst can also browse data objects, edit multiple queries, execute a single query or multiple queries, terminate a query, save a query, download a query result, and more from the SQL Editor page.

Reference: Create a query in SQL editor

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