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On a router perform row  displa’interface tunnel  explicit shown  GRE  tunnel interface as follows :

On a router perform row  displa’interface tunnel  explicit shown  GRE  tunnel interface as follows :

<Router>displa interface Tunnel 0

Tunnelo current statle: UP

Line protocol current state: UP

Description: Tunnel 0 Interface

T he Maximum transmit Unit is 1476

Internet Addess is Primar.

Encapsulation isTUNNELT aggregation ID not- et

Tunnel source l0.1.11.1 destination

Tunnel keeepalive enable Period  (  10 s  ) ,  Retries  (  3  )

Tunnel protocol/transport GRE/IP.

GRE key disable

Checksumming of GRE packets disabled

Last 300 seconds input:.0 btes/secl 0 packet/sec.

Last 300 seconds output:..0 bytes/sec  ,  0 packets/sec.

4 packets input 72bytes.

0 input error

1 packets output  ,  24 btes

0 0utput error

From the above information, we can know  ____  .( Choose one or more )
A . The tunnel  interface is in the  UP  state, and the  MTU  is  1467  bytes
B . The Keepalive  function is enabled on the  Tunnel  interface .Once the router fails to receive the  Keeplive  packets from the other party within  30s  , the tunnel is considered unavailable
C . tunnel track start validation, verification does not start
D . tunnel channel source  lP  address of

Answer:   BD

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