After you've created your external service, you have to register its endpoint in Okta.
After you've created your external service, you have to register its endpoint in Okta.A . Statement is True B. Statement is False, as only users are registered, not services C. Statement is False, as you are using Header-Based authentication and the token you provide in API calls acts as an...
Okta org, when being used as an authorization server (issuer: https://<subdomain>, can only be used for OIDC (Open ID Connect, hence Authentication) and not for OAuth (Authorization).
Okta org, when being used as an authorization server (issuer: https://<subdomain>, can only be used for OIDC (Open ID Connect, hence Authentication) and not for OAuth (Authorization).A . Statement is False in its entirety B. Statement is True in its entirety C. True, but for the issuer part, where the...
'unsupported_grant_type' error is thrown when the 'grant_type' isn't:
'unsupported_grant_type' error is thrown when the 'grant_type' isn't:A . 'authorization_code' B. 'refresh_token' C. 'client_credentials' D. 'password'View AnswerAnswer: A,B,D
Optional user account fields include a 'secondary email address' and a 'security image'.
Optional user account fields include a 'secondary email address' and a 'security image'.A . Statement is False, as the 'secondary email address' is mandatory to have a value assigned B. Statement is False, as the 'security image' is mandatory to have a value assigned C. Statement is True D. Statement...
How many retries will Okta perform?
In an Inline Hook scenario, when Okta calls your external service, Okta may attempt to retry. How many retries will Okta perform?A . Okta doesn't retry, no matter the situation B. Okta will attempt at most one retry C. Okta will attempt to retry 3 times D. UnlimitedView AnswerAnswer: B
'grant_type' can take value(s) out of the following:
'grant_type' can take value(s) out of the following:A . 'authorization_code' B. 'nonce' C. 'client_credentials' D. 'refresh_token' E. 'password'View AnswerAnswer: A,C,D,E
Which of the following is / are true?
Which of the following is / are true?A . Okta Device Trust allows only managed devices with your specified security posture to access Okta-integrated apps B. Okta Device Trust protects enterprise data in scenarios where there's no defined network boundary C. Okta recommends that you do not apply a 'Not...
Advanced Server Access Enrollment is the process where the Advanced Server Access Agent configures a server to be managed by a specific:
Advanced Server Access Enrollment is the process where the Advanced Server Access Agent configures a server to be managed by a specific:A . Admin B. Project C. AD server D. AD Service AccountView AnswerAnswer: B
Is Advanced Server Access Server Agent supported on Microsoft Active Directory DC?
Is Advanced Server Access Server Agent supported on Microsoft Active Directory DC?A . No, it's not supported there B. It is supported C. Advanced Server Access server agent is only supported on Linux kernel related distributionsView AnswerAnswer: A
Can I add more than one domain?
Can I add more than one domain?A . Yes, you can have multiple custom domains set up for your organization B. No, you can only have one custom domain set up for your organization C. You are limited to three custom domains per orgView AnswerAnswer: B