MongoDB C100DBA MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4) Online Training
MongoDB C100DBA Online Training
The questions for C100DBA were last updated at Mar 10,2025.
- Exam Code: C100DBA
- Exam Name: MongoDB Certified DBA Associate Exam (Based on MongoDB 4.4)
- Certification Provider: MongoDB
- Latest update: Mar 10,2025
Which features of relational database management systems were deliberately omitted in MongoDB and help us to obtain horizontal scalability? Check all that apply.
- A . Multi-statement transactions
- B . Joins
- C . Authentication
The following aggregation option is used to specify the specific fields that needs to be passed to the next stage of the aggregation pipeline:
- A . $project
- B . $aggregate
- C . $match
- D . $group
In a collection that contains 100 post documents, what does the following command do? db. posts. find().skip(5).limit(5)
- A . Skip and limit nullify each other. Hence returning the first five documents.
- B . Skips the first five documents and returns the next five
- C . Limits the first five documents and then return them in reverse order
- D . Skips the first five documents and returns the sixth document five times
What tool do you use to see if you have a problem in the consumption of disk I / 0?
Which of the following is supported by MongoDB?
- A . Transaction Management
- B . ACID Transactions
- C . Journaling
- D . Relationships between Collections (Primary Key Foreign Key)
The MongoDB explain() method does not support which of the following verbosity mode:
- A . executionStats
- B . queryPlanner
- C . customExecutionStats
- D . allPlansExecution
Consider a collection posts which has fields: Jd, post_text, post_author, post_timestamp, post_tags etc.
Which of the following query retrieves ONLY the key named post_text from the first document retrieved?
- A . db.posts.finOne({},{_id:0, post_text:1})
- B . db.posts.findOne({post_text: 1})
- C . db.posts.find({},{_id:Of post_text:1})
- D . db.posts.finOne«},{post_text:l})
In a sharded replica set environment, the w Option provides ability for write concern and j Option provides ability for the data to be written on disk journal. Consider that we have a seven member replica set and we want to assure that the writes are committed to journal.
What should be the value of j?
- A . 1
- B . 2
- C . 0
- D . 7
Aggregation Pipelines have a limit of:
- A . 2 MB document and 100 MB RAM
- B . 16 MB document and 100 MB RAM
- C . No limit on document and 100 MB RAM
- D . 2 MB document and no limit on RAM
What is the maximum size of a MongoDB document?
- A . 2 MB
- B . 12 MB
- C . There is no maximum size. It depends on the RAM.
- D . 16 MB