Which of the following commands can be used for that purpose?
Assume that you have a file called zips.txt that contains several postal zip codes, and you need to determine how many unique zip codes there are in the file. Which of the following commands can be used for that purpose?A . uniq zips.txtB . count zips.txtC . sort zips.txt |...
Which of the following commands searches each user’s .bash_history file to determine if the user has invoked the sudo command?
Which of the following commands searches each user’s .bash_history file to determine if the user has invoked the sudo command?A . find /home -type history | xargs grep sudoB . find /home -name "bash_history" | grep sudoC . find /home/.bash_history | xargs grep sudoD . find /home -name ".bash_history" |...
How can the list of files that would be installed by the RPM package file apache-xml.rpm be previewed?
How can the list of files that would be installed by the RPM package file apache-xml.rpm be previewed?A . rpm -ql apache-xml.rpmB . rpm -qp apache-xml.rpmC . rpm -qv apache-xml.rpmD . rpm -qpl apache-xml.rpmView AnswerAnswer: D
What is the command to display the default target on a computer running systemd?
What is the command to display the default target on a computer running systemd?A . systemctl defaultsB . systemctl runlevelC . systemctl get-defaultD . update-rc.d defaultsView AnswerAnswer: C
Which command can you use to view the commands that have been executed during the current session?
When troubleshooting a problem, you look through .bash_history to determine commands that you’ve recently executed. However, the file does not contain information from your current session. Which command can you use to view the commands that have been executed during the current session?A . pwdB . historyC . cmdhistD ....
What is the first program that the Linux kernel runs once it's booted in a normal boot process?
What is the first program that the Linux kernel runs once it's booted in a normal boot process?A . startupB . rcC . liloD . dmesgE . initView AnswerAnswer: E
Which of the following commands is implemented as an internal command in bash?
Which of the following commands is implemented as an internal command in bash?A . teeB . lessC . echoD . catE . sedView AnswerAnswer: C
Which command is used to install GRUB Legacy into the MBR of your first SATA hard drive?
Which command is used to install GRUB Legacy into the MBR of your first SATA hard drive?A . lilo /dev/sdaB . grub-install /dev/sda1C . grub-legacy /dev/sda1D . grub (hd0,1)E . grub-install /dev/sdaView AnswerAnswer: E
Which of the following commands will display the total size taken up by specified directories and their files?
Which of the following commands will display the total size taken up by specified directories and their files?A . duB . df -iC . e2fsck -BD . du -sView AnswerAnswer: D
Which option to repquota causes the output to be printed in a human-readable format?
Which option to repquota causes the output to be printed in a human-readable format?A . -hB . -sC . -pD . -fView AnswerAnswer: B