In the OpenManage Enterprise web console where can VLAN settings be managed?

In the OpenManage Enterprise web console where can VLAN settings be managed?
A . Devices > Select Device > IOA > Hardware > Networking
B . Network Devices > IOA Device Settings
C . Configuration > Network Devices
D . Devices > Select Device > View Details > Hardware > Networking

Answer: D


Step by Step Comprehensive Detailed with ReferencesIn the OpenManage Enterprise web console, VLAN settings can be managed by navigating to the specific device and accessing its networking details.

Here’s how you can manage VLAN settings:

Navigate to Devices: Start by going to the ‘Devices’ section in the OpenManage Enterprise web console.

Select a Device: Choose the device for which you want to manage VLAN settings.

View Details: Click on ‘View Details’ to access more information about the selected device.

Go to Hardware: Within the details view, navigate to the ‘Hardware’ tab.

Access Networking: Finally, select ‘Networking’ to manage VLAN settings for the device.

This path allows administrators to configure VLANs for individual devices, ensuring that network settings are tailored to the needs of each device. The process for managing VLAN settings is documented in the Dell EMC OpenManage Enterprise User’s Guide1, which provides instructions for configuring network-related settings, including VLANs.

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