What is the first step in creating a custom model in Watson Visual Recognition service?
What is the first step in creating a custom model in Watson Visual Recognition service?A . Test the newly trained model.B . Document the errors from the built in models.C . Obtain image files containing objects to be classified and organize them into classes.D . Use IBM SPSS to create...
What is the goal of the backpropagation algorithm?
What is the goal of the backpropagation algorithm?A . to randomize the trajectory of the neural network parameters during trainingB . to smooth the gradient of the loss function in order to avoid getting trapped in small local minimasC . to scale the gradient descent step in proportion to the...
Which is a technique that automates the handling of categorical variables?
Which is a technique that automates the handling of categorical variables?A . binary encodingB . decodingC . autoencodingD . one-hot encodingView AnswerAnswer: D Explanation: Reference: https://hub.packtpub.com/how-to-handle-categorical-data-for-machine-learning-algorithms/
Which of the following entity extraction techniques would be best for the extraction of telephone numbers from a text document?
Which of the following entity extraction techniques would be best for the extraction of telephone numbers from a text document?A . complex pattern-basedB . regexC . statisticalD . dictionaryView AnswerAnswer: C Explanation: Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318093829_Developing_an_innovative_entity_extraction_method_for_unstructured_data
With only limited labeled data available how might a neural network use case be realized?
With only limited labeled data available how might a neural network use case be realized?A . by assigning random labelsB . by increasing the depth of the neural networkC . by creating random dataD . by using a customized pre-trained modelView AnswerAnswer: D
Which two explicit functions are implemented by this neural network?
A neural network is composed of a first affine transformation (affine1) followed by a ReLU non-linearity, followed by a second affine transformation (affine2). Which two explicit functions are implemented by this neural network? (Choose two.)A . y = affine1(ReLU(affine2(x)))B . y = max(affine1(x), affine2(x))C . y = affine2(ReLU(affine1(x)))D . y...
Which test is applied to determine the relationship between two categorical variables?
Which test is applied to determine the relationship between two categorical variables?A . paired t-testB . chi squared testC . z testD . t-testView AnswerAnswer: B Explanation: Reference: https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/testing-for-relationships-between-categorical-variables-using-the-chi-square-test
What is used to scale large positive values during data cleaning?
What is used to scale large positive values during data cleaning?A . division by random numbersB . squareC . logarithmD . subtract medianView AnswerAnswer: A
Determine the number of bigrams and trigrams in the sentence.
Determine the number of bigrams and trigrams in the sentence. "Data is the new oil".A . 3 bigrams, 3 trigramsB . 4 bigrams, 4 trigramsC . 3 bigrams, 4 trigramsD . 4 bigrams, 3 trigramsView AnswerAnswer: A