What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
What is the abbreviation of the conditional random field algorithm?
- A . SVM
- B . CRF
- C . HMM
- D . GMM
Solve equations
- A . 4-1-3-2-5
- B . 2-1-3-4-5
- C . 1-3-4-2-5
- D . 2-3-1-4-5
Which of the following is not a method of speech feature extraction?
- A . PLP
- B . RNN
- C . MFCC
- D . LPC
Which of the following is not one of the three major problems of HMM?
- A . Testing
- B . Evaluation
- C . Training
- D . Decoding
Which of the following is not an application of hidden Markov model in speech recognition?
- A . Calculate the output sequence
- B . Use the BW algorithm to find the optimal solution
- C . Phonemes and words combined according to the best sequence
- D . Form words and sentences based on labels
What is Gaussian distribution also called?
- A . Random distribution
- B . Discrete distribution
- C . Normal distribution
- D . Abnormal distribution
What is the biggest problem with parameter synthesis method?
- A . Poor sound quality
- B . Parameters are difficult to obtain
- C . Uncertain waveform
- D . Speech rate unknown
Which of the following is not a speech feature extraction method?
- A . MFCC
- B . LPC
- C . LPCC
- D . SVM
Which of the following is correct about the Gaussian distribution curve?
- A . The Gaussian curve is bell-shaped, with high ends and low in the middle.
- B . The smaller the standard deviation, the flatter the curve
- C . The Gaussian curve is bell-shaped, with low ends and high in the middle.
- D . The larger the standard deviation, the taller the curve.
Which of the following is not a speech acoustic feature?
- A . Duration
- B . Semantics
- C . Frequency
- D . Amplitude
What is the role of Gaussian mixture model in speech recognition?
- A . Represents the probability transfer between factors
- B . Multidimensional numerical distribution used to represent a phoneme
- C . Used to distinguish different phonemes
- D . Evaluating the Advantages of the HMM Algorithm
How difficult is speech recognition?
- A . Personal characteristics
- B . Scenarios
- C . Geographical factors
- D . All of the above
Which of the following is the most important change in the CD-DNN-HMM model?
- A . Introducing more hidden layers
- B . Introducing Dropout
- C . Introducing the fully connected layer
- D . Introducing contextual information
What is the dimension of the commonly used Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients?
- A . 36
- B . 12
- C . 39
- D . 13
Which of the following is not a NLP language feature?
- A . Contextual word features
- B . Text Features
- C . Texture features
- D . Single word features
Which of the following models can be used for natural language processing?
- A . DT
- B . SVM
- C . HMM
- D . Linear regression
Which of the following is not a difficulty in named entity recognition?
- A . Large quantity
- B . Complex rules
- C . Complex nesting
- D . Uniform length
Which of the following belongs to the language model?
- A . Adaboost
- B . N-gram
- C . GT
- D . DT
Which of the following is not a common method for text vectorization?
- A . DM
- B . EM
- C . DBOW
- D . CBOW
What is the unique gate structure of GRU?
- A . Input Gate
- B . Output Gate
- C . Forget Gate
- D . Update Gate
Which of the following options does not belong to the three levels of natural language processing technology?
- A . Speech Analysis
- B . Lexical Analysis
- C . Syntactic Analysis
- D . Semantic Analysis
Which of the following statements about participles is incorrect?
- A . Rule-based word segmentation is simple and efficient, but dictionary maintenance is difficult.
- B . The purpose of statistical segmentation is to perform probability calculation on the segmentation results and obtain the segmentation method with the highest probability.
- C . Chinese is different from English natural word segmentation. Chinese word segmentation is a basic step in text processing. The performance of word segmentation directly affects the performance of other modules such as part of speech and syntax tree.
- D . In actual engineering applications, word segmentation generally only uses one method.
In the NNLM model, what is the activation function used in the network output layer?
- A . Tanh
- B . Softmax
- C . ReLU
- D . Sigmoid
Which of the following options does not belong to the gate of the LSTM cell?
- A . Forget Gate
- B . Output Gate
- C . Memory Gate
- D . Input Gate
Which of the following is the general format of a URL?
- A . https://Endpoint
- B . https://uri
- C . https://www.XXXX
- D . https://Endpoint/uri
Which of the following design specifications does Huawei Cloud API comply with?
- A . Restful
- B . P8EP
- C . Programming
- D . PEP8
Which of the following indicators cannot be output by the classification_report in the sklearn.metrics model evaluation indicator module?
- A . f1-Score
- B . recall
- C . accuracy
- D . precision
When using the image tagging API provided by Huawei Cloud, which field in the response parameter is the image tag content?
- A . labels
- B . content
- C . result
- D . tags
How can the entire digital image after sampling and quantization be represented mathematically?
- A . Channel
- B . Matrix
- C . Coordinates
- D . Pixels
In which year did Huawei launch the Ascend series IP and processors?
- A . 2018
- B . 2016
- C . 2019
- D . 2017
Which of the following options is the algorithm used to estimate the parameters of a single Gaussian model?
- A . EM algorithm
- B . Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- C . Viterbi algorithm
- D . Forward-backward algorithm
When using ModelArts automatic learning to build a predictive analysis project, if the label column is enumerated data, which of the following is the label column data type and the model type to be trained?
- A . Continuous Values and Regression Models
- B . Discrete Values and Regression Models
- C . Continuous Numerical and Categorical Models
- D . Discrete Values and Categorical Models
Which of the following options is a method for training static word vectors?
- A . Fasttext
- B . ELMO
- C . BERT
- D . GPT
Which of the following options does not belong to the category of phonetics?
- A . Acoustic Phonetics
- B . Linguistic Phonetics
- C . Auditory Phonetics
- D . Articulation and Phonetics
- E . Semantic Phonetics
When using ModelArts automatic learning to build a predictive analysis project, if the label column is numerical continuous data, which of the following is the label column data type and the model type to be trained?
- A . Discrete Values and Regression Models
- B . Continuous Numerical and Categorical Models
- C . Discrete Values and Categorical Models
- D . Continuous Values and Regression Models
Which of the following options is not a sequence annotation method?
- A . CRF
- B . MEMM
- C . N-Gram
- D . HNM
Which of the following is not a field supported by the intent understanding API provided by Huawei Cloud EI natural language processing service?
- A . Music
- B . Alarm clock
- C . Jokes
- D . Entertainment
For a pixel P with coordinates (x, y), P has four horizontal and vertical neighboring pixels, called a 4-neighborhood. Which of the following can correctly represent the coordinates of the 4-neighborhood?
- A . (x-1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)
- B . (x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y+1)
- C . (x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y-1)
- D . (x-1, y), (x+1, y), (x, y-1), (x, y+1)
In the image preprocessing filtering experiment, which of the following functions calls OpenCV’s median blur API?
- A . cv2.GaussianBlur(im, (5, 5), 0)
- B . cv2.blur(im, (3, 3))
- C . cv2.medianBlur(im, 5)
- D . cv2.filter2D(im, -1, sharpen_1)
Which step does not belong to speech recognition preprocessing?
- A . Deduplication
- B . Noise Reduction
- C . Silent Cutoff
- D . Standardization
Which of the following options does not belong to the three elements of the Markov model?
- A . State Collection
- B . Observation Probability
- C . Transition Probability
- D . Initial Probability
If the sampling frequency is f and the number of frames is a, which of the following is the length of the sound signal?
- A . a/2f
- B . 2a/f
- C . a/f
- D . a*f
Which of the following is the abbreviation of speech recognition?
- A . TTS
- B . ASR
- C . STT
- D . AST
Which of the following is the abbreviation of speech synthesis?
- A . TTS
- B . ASR
- C . STT
- D . AST
In the Hidden Markov Model, which of the following options can be calculated using the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM)?
- A . Language Probability
- B . Transition Probability
- C . Observation Probability
- D . Initial Probability
Regarding CBOW and Skip-Gram algorithms, which of the following statements is incorrect?
- A . Both CBOW and Skip-Gram can be used to train word embeddings, but Skip-Gram is faster than CBOW.
- B . CBOW calculates the probability of a word appearing based on the n words preceding it or the n consecutive words before and after it.
- C . Skip-Gram calculates the probabilities of several words before and after a certain word.
- D . Both the CBOW model and the skip-gram model are based on the Huffman tree.
Which of the following options is not a commonly used algorithm for keyword extraction?
- A . TextRank
- B . SSA
- C . LDA
- D . TF-IDF
Which of the following options is not a method in the development of natural language processing?
- A . Statistical-based methods
- B . Rule-based approach
- C . Deep Learning-Based Methods
- D . Recursion-based methods
The bag-of – words model is the earliest text vectorization method that uses words as the basic processing unit.
Which of the following options is not a defect of the bag-of-words model?
- A . Unable to preserve order information
- B . Based on the distribution hypothesis
- C . The curse of dimensionality
- D . There is a semantic gap
In which of the following fields does the convolutional neural network perform well?
- A . Computer Vision
- B . Speech Recognition
- C . Machine Translation
- D . Knowledge Graph