
How should a consultant configure the field service lightning to support this behavior?

An employee at universal container performs the role of a dispatcher and a technician

How should a consultant configure the field service lightning to support this behavior?
A . Create one service resource and assign the relevant permission set license
B. Create two skills records and assign them to service resources record
C. Create two service resource and assign them to the employee
D. Create one service resource and assign the technician and dispatcher role

Answer: A


Service Resources are records that represent the people or equipment that perform field service tasks[53]. Permission Set Licenses are licenses that grant users access to specific features such as Field Service Dispatcher Console or Field Service Mobile App[54]. Creating one service resource and assigning the relevant permission set license would allow an employee at Universal Containers to perform both dispatcher and technician roles using one record and one license. Creating two skills records and assigning them to service resources record would not affect their roles or access to features. Skills are records that define specific abilities or qualifications that service resources have[55]. Creating two service resources and assigning them to the employee would create duplicate records and require two licenses for one employee. Creating one service resource and assigning the technician and dispatcher role would not work because roles are not fields on the service resource object.



https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.fs_permission_set_licenses_overview.htm&t ype=5


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